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Zeynep Buse Aydın

Zeynep Buse Aydın edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 9 revisions

Zeynep Buse Aydın


Hi, I am Zeynep Buse Aydın (preferring Buse), a -kind of- senior Computer Engineering student at Bogazici University. I like learning and always challenging myself.


  • Java
  • Python
  • C/C++
  • Kotlin
  • MySQL
  • Spring Boot


  • Backend Development
  • Testing
  • Computer Vision
  • Sailing
  • Formula 1


Personal effort

Week 1
Description Type Duration Additional Info
Attend weekly meeting Meeting 1 hour -
Document meeting notes Documentation 20 minutes Meeting1 Notes
Study Git Research 1.5 hours issue #10
Create personal page and document personal effort Documentation 30 minutes issue #9
Create communication plan Documentation 15 minutes issue #4
Explore Git repositories, find favorite one and document it Research and Documentation 1 hour issue #7
Week 2
Description Type Duration Additional Info
- - - -
Week 3
Description Type Duration Additional Info
Attend weekly meeting Meeting 1 hour -
Week 4
Description Type Duration Additional Info
Attend weekly meeting Meeting 1 hour -
Create template for meeting notes Documentation 15 min -
Research and document Web application development Research and documentation 1.5 hours issue #41
Week 5
Description Type Duration Additional Info
Attend weekly meeting Meeting 1 hour -
Write the requirements for authentication of users Deliverable 45 min issue #49
Create a signing up scenario Deliverable 30 min issue #55
Create RAM for Milestone I Report Deliverable 45 min issue #66
Clone this wiki locally