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Xcode Build for Simulator

Step changelog

Runs xcodebuild commands for simulators


This Step runs the xcodebuild command to build and deploy an app to an iOS, tvOS, or watchOS simulator. You can use this to perform quick tests of your app, or to show it off in a browser to your clients.

The Step generates the following outputs:

  • BITRISE_APP_DIR_PATH: The path to the generated .app file.
  • BITRISE_APP_DIR_PATH_LIST: The path to the generated .app file, and the paths to every dependent target app. (Paths are separated by the | (pipe) character.)
  • BITRISE_XCODE_BUILD_RAW_RESULT_TEXT_PATH: The path to the raw log file for the build.

The Step also creates an .xctestrun file which you can use to run tests.

Make sure to include this Step after the Steps that install the necessary dependencies — such as Run Cocoapods Install — in your Workflow.

Configuring the Step

Minimum configuration:

  1. In the Project path input, enter the path to your Xcode Project or Workspace. (Only necessary if you plan to use a different scheme than the one set in the BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH Environment Variable.)
  2. In the Scheme input, enter the name of the Scheme you'd like to use for building your project. (Only necessary if you plan to use a different scheme than the one set in the BITRISE_SCHEME Environment Variable.)

For more configuration options, see the descriptions of other inputs in the step.yml or in the Workflow Editor.

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🧩 Get started

Add this step directly to your workflow in the Bitrise Workflow Editor.

You can also run this step directly with Bitrise CLI.

⚙️ Configuration

Key Description Flags Default
project_path Path of the Xcode Project (.xcodeproj) or Workspace (.xcworkspace) The input value sets xcodebuild's -project or -workspace option. required $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
scheme Xcode Scheme name. The input value sets xcodebuild's -scheme option. required $BITRISE_SCHEME
destination Destination specifier describes the device to use as a destination. The input value sets xcodebuild's -destination option. required generic/platform=iOS Simulator
xcconfig_content Build settings to override the project's build settings, using xcodebuild's -xcconfig option. Code signing allowed: Whether or not to allow code signing for this build When building an app for the simulator, code signing is not required and is set to "no" by default. On rare occasions, you may need to set the flag to "yes" — usually when working with certain test cases or third-party dependencies. You can't define -xcconfig option in Additional options for the xcodebuild command if this input is set. If empty, no setting is changed. When set it can be either: 1. Existing .xcconfig file path. Example: ./ios-sample/ios-sample/Configurations/Dev.xcconfig 2. The contents of a newly created temporary .xcconfig file. (This is the default.) Build settings must be separated by newline character (\n). Example: COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE = NO ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH[config=Debug][sdk=*][arch=*] = YES CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE = NO
configuration Xcode Build Configuration. If not specified, the default Build Configuration will be used. (Defined in the Scheme's archive action ) The input value sets xcodebuild's -configuration option. If the Configuration specified in this input does not exist in your project, the Step will silently ignore the value, and fall back to using the Configuration specified in the Scheme.
perform_clean_action If this input is set, clean xcodebuild action will be performed besides the build action. required no
xcodebuild_options Additional options to be added to the executed xcodebuild command. Prefer using Build settings (xcconfig) input for specifying -xcconfig option. You can't use both.
log_formatter Defines how xcodebuild command's log is formatted. Available options: - xcpretty: The xcodebuild command's output will be prettified by xcpretty. - xcodebuild: Only the last 20 lines of raw xcodebuild output will be visible in the build log. The raw xcodebuild log will be exported in all cases. required xcpretty
output_dir This directory will contain the generated artifacts. required $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR
verbose_log If this input is set, the Step will print additional logs for debugging. required no
Environment Variable Description
BITRISE_APP_DIR_PATH The path to the generated (and copied) app directory
BITRISE_APP_DIR_PATH_LIST This output will include the main target app's path, plus every dependent target's app path. The paths are separated by a | (pipe) character. (Example: /deploy109787178/|/deploy109787178/
BITRISE_XCODEBUILD_BUILD_FOR_SIMULATOR_LOG_PATH The file path of the raw xcodebuild build command log. The log is placed into the Output directory path. Only set if log_formatter is set to xcpretty.

🙋 Contributing

We welcome pull requests and issues against this repository.

For pull requests, work on your changes in a forked repository and use the Bitrise CLI to run step tests locally.

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