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+ ReLoCoring                        +
+ A Geolocationbased WarGame        +
+ A Combatgame where you            + 
+ draw a line by changing           +
+ physical Position and win         +
+ by either filling out the         + 
+ most Surface with your            +
+ color or trapping your            +
+ opponent.                         +
+ Authors                           +
+  # Nils Hitze                     +
+  # Jan Schmidle                   +
+  # Jakub Werner                   +
+  # Christine Koppelt              +
+  # Inge Deinlein                  +
+  # Robert Hostlowsky              +		
+  # Markus Greve                   +
+  # Andreas Hubel                  +
+  # Dominik Rose                   +
+  # Elmar Schraml                  +
+  # Michael Westrich               +
+  # Robin Gersabeck                +
+  # Dominik Rose                   +
+  # Sebastian Schürmann            +