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Question Generation for English and Portuguese, using the T5 model, Transformers and Pytorch lightning. Training, inference and evaluation scripts included.


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Question Generation with T5 model using 🤗Transformers and Pytorch Lightning


Sample source code and models for our EPIA 2022 paper: Neural Question Generation for the Portuguese Language: A Preliminary Study

Abstract: Question Generation (QG) is an important and challenging problem that has attracted attention from the natural language processing (NLP) community over the last years. QG aims to automatically generate questions given an input. Recent studies in this field typically use widely available question-answering (QA) datasets (in English) and neural models to train and build these QG systems. As lower-resourced languages (e.g. Portuguese) lack large-scale quality QA data, it becomes a significant challenge to experiment with recent neural techniques. This study uses a Portuguese machine-translated version of the SQuAD v1.1 dataset to perform a preliminary analysis of a neural approach to the QG task for Portuguese. We frame our approach as a sequence-to-sequence problem by fine-tuning a pre-trained language model – T5 for generating factoid (or wh)-questions. Despite the evident issues that a machine-translated dataset may bring when using it for training neural models, the automatic evaluation of our Portuguese neural QG models presents results in line with those obtained for English. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study addressing Neural QG for Portuguese.

Authors: Bernardo Leite, Henrique Lopes Cardoso

If you use this research in your work, please kindly cite us:

	title        = {Neural Question Generation for the Portuguese Language: A Preliminary Study},
	author       = {Leite, Bernardo and Lopes Cardoso, Henrique},
	year         = 2022,
	booktitle    = {Progress in Artificial Intelligence},
	publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
	address      = {Cham},
	pages        = {780--793},
	isbn         = {978-3-031-16474-3},
	editor       = {Marreiros, Goreti and Martins, Bruno and Paiva, Ana and Ribeiro, Bernardete and Sardinha, Alberto}

Some examples

Afonso Henriques, também chamado de Afonsinho, e cognominado de "o Conquistador", foi o primeiro Rei de Portugal. Passa a intitular-se "Rei dos Portugueses" a partir de 1140 e reinou de jure a partir de 5 de outubro de 1143, com a celebração do Tratado de Zamora, até à sua morte. Era filho de Henrique, Conde de Portucale e sua esposa Teresa de Leão.

Answer: Afonso Henriques Generated Question: Quem foi o primeiro rei de Portugal?

Answer: Afonsinho Generated Question: Qual era o outro nome para Afonso Henriques?

Answer: "o Conquistador" Generated Question: Qual era o apelido de Afonso Henriques?

Answer: 1143 Generated Question: Em que ano foi celebrado o Tratado de Zamora?

Answer: Conde de Portucale Generated Question: Quem era o pai de Afonso Henriques?

Main Features

  • Training, inference and evaluation scripts for QG
  • Fine-tuned QG T5 models for both English and Portuguese


Python 3 (tested with version 3.9.13 on Windows 10)

Installation and Configuration

  1. Clone this project:
    git clone
  2. Install the Python packages from requirements.txt. If you are using a virtual environment for Python package management, you can install all python packages needed by using the following bash command:
    cd question-generation-t5-pytorch-lightning/
    pip install -r requirements.txt


You can use this code for data preparation, training, inference/predicting (full corpus or individual sample), and evaluation.

Data preparation

Current experiments use the SQuAD v1.1 dataset for English (original) and Portuguese (machine-translated) versions. So the next steps are specifically intended to preparing this dataset, but the same approach is applicable to other data types.

  • Example for preparing the English (original) SQuAD v1.1 dataset:
  1. Create squad_en_du_2017 folder inside data folder
  2. Download the files and folders from here and place them inside data/squad_en_du_2017 folder
  3. Create dataframe folder inside data/squad_en_du_2017/raw
  4. Go to src/data. By running src/data/ the following dataframes (pickle format) will be created inside data/squad_en_du_2017/raw/dataframe: df_train_en.pkl, df_validation_en.pkl and df_test_en.pkl.

Important note for the English version: Regardless of the data type, make sure the dataframe columns follow this scheme: [context, question, answer].

  • Example for preparing the Portuguese (machine-translated) SQuAD v1.1 dataset:
  1. Download squad-train-v1.1.json and squad-dev-v1.1.json data from here.
  2. Create data/squad_br_v2 and copy previous files inside.
  3. Create data/squad_br_v2/dataframe
  4. Go to src/data. By running src/data/ and then src/data/ the following dataframes (pickle format) will be created inside data/squad_br_v2/dataframe/: df_train_br.pkl, df_validation_br.pkl and df_test_br.pkl.

Important note for the Portuguese version: Regardless of the data type, make sure the dataframe columns follow this scheme: [title, context, question, answer, id].


  1. Go to src/model_qg. The file is responsible for the training routine. Type the following command to read the description of the parameters:

    python -h

    You can also run the example training script (linux and mac)


    The previous script will start the training routine with predefined parameters:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    for ((i=42; i <= 42; i++))
    	taskset --cpu-list 1-30 python \
    	--dir_model_name "qg_en_t5_base_512_96_32_6_seed_${i}" \
    	--model_name "t5-base" \
    	--tokenizer_name "t5-base" \
    	--train_df_path "../../data/squad_en_du_2017/raw/dataframe/df_train_en.pkl" \
    	--validation_df_path "../../data/squad_en_du_2017/raw/dataframe/df_validation_en.pkl" \
    	--test_df_path "../../data/squad_en_du_2017/raw/dataframe/df_test_en.pkl" \
    	--max_len_input 512 \
    	--max_len_output 96 \
    	--batch_size 32 \
    	--max_epochs 6 \
    	--patience 3 \
    	--optimizer "AdamW" \
    	--learning_rate 0.0001 \
    	--epsilon 0.000001 \
    	--num_gpus 1 \
    	--seed_value ${i}
  2. In the end, all model information is available at checkpoints/checkpoint-name. The information includes models checkpoints for each epoch (*.ckpt files), tensorboard logs (tb_logs/) and csv logs (csv_logs/).

  3. Previous steps also apply to for the training routine in Portuguese.

Inference (full corpus)

  1. Go to src/model_qg. The file is responsible for the inference routine (full corpus) given a certain model checkpoint. Type the following command to read the description of the parameters:

    python -h

    You can also run the example inference corpus script (linux and mac)


    The previous script will start the inference routine with predefined parameters for the model checkpoint model-epoch=00-val_loss=0.32.ckpt:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    for ((i=42; i <= 42; i++))
        CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python \
        --checkpoint_model_path "../../checkpoints/qa_en_t5_base_512_96_32_10_seed_42/model-epoch=00-val_loss=0.32.ckpt" \
        --predictions_save_path "../../predictions/qa_en_t5_base_512_96_32_10_seed_42/model-epoch=00-val_loss=0.32/" \
        --test_df_path "../../data/squad_en_original/processed/df_validation_en.pkl" \
        --model_name "t5-base" \
        --tokenizer_name "t5-base" \
        --batch_size 32 \
        --max_len_input 512 \
        --max_len_output 96 \
        --num_beams 5 \
        --num_return_sequences 1 \
        --repetition_penalty 1 \
        --length_penalty 1 \
        --seed_value ${i}
  2. In the end, predictions will be available at predictions/checkpoint-name. The folder contains model predictions (predictions.json), and parameters (params.json).

  3. Previous steps also apply to for the inference routine in Portuguese.

Inference (individual sample)

Go to src/model_qg. The file is responsible for the inference routine (individual sample) given a certain model checkpoint, CONTEXT and ANSWER. Type the following command to read the description of the parameters:

python -h


  1. Change ANSWER and CONTEXT variables in
    ANSWER = 'Rei dos Portugueses'
    CONTEXT = """Afonso Henriques, também chamado de Afonsinho, e cognominado de "o Conquistador", foi o primeiro Rei de Portugal. Passa a intitular-se "Rei dos Portugueses" a partir de 1140 e reinou de jure a partir de 5 de outubro de 1143, com a celebração do Tratado de Zamora, até à sua morte. Era filho de Henrique, Conde de Portucale e sua esposa Teresa de Leão, que, à morte do conde Henrique, "ascende rapidamente ao governo do condado, o que confirma o carácter hereditário que o mesmo possuía."""
  2. Run (e.g., using model-epoch=00-val_loss=0.32.ckpt).
  3. See output (it should be a question)


(Option 1) You can use these evaluation scripts for obtaining BLEU 1-4, ROUGEL and METEOR. Note that METEOR only works for English. By using these evaluation scripts you need three different files (ground truth questions, generated questions and contexts). You can use src/data/ to generate such files from predictions/checkpoint-name.

(Option 2 - only for BLEU 1-4) Run src/


We present the model checkpoints and their corresponding results for this test set. The METEOR metric is not available for Portuguese.

Checkpoint Name Model Type Language BL 1 BL 2 BL 3 BL 4 RL MTR
epoch=01_loss=1.36 t5-base English 48.88 34.37 26.18 20.55 49.56 24.29
epoch=04_loss=1.46 mt5-base English 48.35 33.73 25.47 19.84 48.76 23.76
epoch=03_loss=1.74 ptt5-base Portuguese 43.61 30.04 22.58 17.54 43.64 -
epoch=05_loss=1.34 mt5-base Portuguese 43.10 29.63 22.20 17.19 43.56 -

Use this temporary link to assess and download the checkpoints.

Issues and Usage Q&A

To ask questions, report issues or request features, please use the GitHub Issue Tracker.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks in advance!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request



This project is released under the MIT license. For details, please see the file LICENSE in the root directory.

Commercial Purposes

A commercial license may also be available for use in industrial projects, collaborations or distributors of proprietary software that do not wish to use an open-source license. Please contact the author if you are interested.


The base code is inspired by the implementations of Venelin Valkov, Ramsri Golla, Suraj Patil and Kristiyan Vachev.



Question Generation for English and Portuguese, using the T5 model, Transformers and Pytorch lightning. Training, inference and evaluation scripts included.








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