As of 2023-12-05, this project is simple demonstration of running OpenMetadata in Openshift.
Project is created with:
- Docker
- Minikube
- Openshift
- OpenMetadata
To install minikube, follow Once minikube is installed, use the below commands (the installation uses Helm charts for deploying to k8s)
kubectl create secret generic mysql-secrets --from-literal=openmetadata-mysql-password=openmetadata_password
kubectl create secret generic airflow-secrets --from-literal=openmetadata-airflow-password=admin
kubectl create secret generic airflow-mysql-secrets --from-literal=airflow-mysql-password=airflow_pass
helm repo add open-metadata
To verify, run helm repo list
to ensure the OpenMetadata repository was added.
helm install openmetadata-dependencies open-metadata/openmetadata-dependencies
Run kubectl get pods
to check whether all the pods for the dependencies are running. You should get a result similar to below.
Helm Chart for OpenMetadata Dependencies uses the following helm charts: Bitnami MySQL (helm chart version 9.7.1) ElasticSearch (helm chart version 7.16.3) Airflow (helm chart version 8.6.1)
In a few minutues, the pods should be in ready state. To check for any failures, get the pods in the dev namespace:
kubectl get pods --namespace a1b9b0-dev
To view the pod logs
kubectl logs <POD_NAME> --namespace a1b9b0-dev
Deploy OpenMetadata Application by running the following command -
helm install openmetadata open-metadata/openmetadata
kubectl port-forward service/openmetadata 8585:http
The above command will port forward traffic from local machine port 8585 to a named port of OpenMetadata kubernetes service http. Browse the Application with url http://localhost:8585 from your Browser. The default login credentials are admin:admin to log into OpenMetadata Application.
Use the below command to uninstall OpenMetadata Helm Charts Release.
helm uninstall openmetadata
helm uninstall openmetadata-dependencies
To deploy to OpenShift, use OC commands and make sure Helm cli is installed on your local machine.
brew install helm
oc create secret generic airflow-mysql-secrets --from-literal=airflow-mysql-password=airflow_pass
Navigate to the 'deps' chart folder then:
helm install openmetadata-dependencies .
If you see the below error then get admin access to the dev namespace Issues: User "[email protected]" cannot get resource "roles" in API group "" in the namespace "a1b9b0-dev"
oc create secret generic mysql-secrets --from-literal=openmetadata-mysql-password=openmetadata_password
oc create secret generic airflow-secrets --from-literal=openmetadata-airflow-password=admin
oc apply -f [auto-label].yaml
oc apply -f [net-pol].yaml
Navigate to the 'openmetadata' chart folder then:
helm install openmetadata .
OpenSearch requires a modified Dockerfile to work within the OpenShift restricted security context. The Dockerfile can be found under charts/opensearch-2.12.1/containers. The image is built automatically and pushed to the GHCR any time there is a push or PR to the main branch.
Usage example:
docker pull
To review all Helm chart modifications (i.e. differences between the OpenMetadata default config and this config), search this repo for "DF-NOTE:" annotations.