A computer vs human tic tac toe based on Ursina Engine
The game consists of 2 modes:
- Classic 3v3 - It is based on basic minimax.
- Advanced - Using this mode, one can change board size, cutoff size, algorithm and depth.
In the home page of the game, the user can choose who is going to start first: computer or himself.
While playing, one can press F11 key to toggle fullscreen.
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/s3FNXD9-q6w
- For basic minimax and alpha-beta pruning, keep the board size up to 3.
- The cutoff is the number of naughts or crosses required to win a game.
- If the given board size is smaller than the cutoff, then the cutoff will be changed to the board size.
- For depth-based algorithms, keeping depth up to 3 can make it work smoothly.
- Experimental algorithms are optimised to work better. But still, there are chances that the algorithm ends up failing.
- The rules mentioned above, if not followed, might crash the game.
You need to install Ursina Engine, by following these steps:
- Install Python 3.6 or newer
- Make sure you have git installed.
- Open cmd/terminal and type:
pip install git+https://github.com/pokepetter/ursina.git
- Navigate to TickaryToe folder by
cd TickaryToe
- Run
python main.py
The game will be launched.