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Release 10.2 changelog

Ben Greenwood edited this page Aug 19, 2013 · 5 revisions

Service Release 10.2 provides a complete rewrite of the remaining legacy user interfaces (roles management and persistent identifier self-service) as well as number of small feature enhancements. It also includes experimental support for new features such as the export of collection data to a researcher's ORCID profile and transformation of RIFCS records into the Thompson Reuters Data Citation Index format. Installation of the ANDS software stack also no longer requires the installation of PostgreSQL.

Installation of this upgrade:

  • update the arms/src codebase (git fetch && git rebase origin/master)
  • install the new dbs_roles database (see arms/db/)
  • update ./global_config.php (see sample)
  • update ./.htaccess (see sample)
  • move the spotlight and topics assets files to their new location in ./assets/shared/
  • chmod 775 ./assets/uploads to provide write access to the web server user

ANDS Registry - ORCID

  • Implemented an experimental interface for export of RIFCS collection records to ORCID using OAuth and the ORCID APIs (requires API registration, ANDS-only software feature) (/registry/orcid/)
  • Works that have been exported to ORCID will be tagged so that the user is aware of which works already exist within their ORCID profile
  • A new "find my ORCID" search widget is available which will query the ORCID API based on a user's name/surname to help them determine their ORCID (/registry/orcid_widget/)
  • When adding an identifier of type='orcid' to a party record, the Add Registry screens will display the "find my ORCID" widget

ANDS Registry - Web Services

  • Experimental support for the TR DCI format has been added to both the OAI provider and a new /registry/services/.../getDCI/ web service), allowing collection data to be retrieved in this format.
  • OAI provider (/registry/services/oai/), when used in incremental mode, now includes metadata about deleted records
  • Responses now correctly include the appropriate content type in HTTP headers

ANDS Registry - User/Roles Management interface

  • A brand new /src/applications/roles/ system allows for the management of users and roles within the ARMS framework (replacing "COSI" and eliminating the dependence on PostgreSQL)
  • Authentication and permissions management now uses the "dbs_roles" database and the previous "cosi" database connection string will be ignored.
  • Superusers can now view the datasources and users associated with a specific organisational role

ANDS Registry - General

  • Session errors will no longer be generated when a user logs out
  • Rights Statements will now correctly save using the manual edit screens (Add Registry Object)
  • Rearranging of items in the top-level registry navigation menu
  • Update to registry maintenance screen to allow for "syncing" of a specific key

ANDS Persistent Identifiers (PIDS) self-service

  • Self-service tool rewritten into the ARMS framework (/src/applications/identifier/pids) to replace legacy software
  • Search functionality has been added to the PIDS self-service tool
  • Performance has been drastically improved for users with a large number of PIDS
  • PIDS can now be owned by organisational roles (i.e. managed at an institutional level, instead of per-user)

Research Data Australia - Spotlight

  • the spotlight rotator can now be navigated between spotlight items
  • the CMS has facility for image attribution and link targets (i.e. same window/new window)
  • a new "Image Uploader" (/apps/uploader) will store and automatically compress images for use in spotlight items
  • the spotlight assets file has been moved to ./assets/shared/spotlight/

Research Data Australia - General

  • Hidden warnings will no longer be generated during the loading of the vocab browser
  • RDA View page now correctly displays URLs used in citation metadata
  • Minor improvements to the display of search facets on RDA
  • Included the social sharing toolbar behind a buffered onclick call on RDA Home Page and View page
  • Fixes to the display of subject counts on contributor pages

Software Structure

  • Use of the ANDS-Online-Services/registry/ codebase (including COSI/ORCA/PIDS) is now deprecated
  • A new src/.../apps application has been created as a placeholder for non-registry functionality which currently resides in src/registry/. Some of these applications have been moved.
  • Shared dependencies (such as the spotlight/topic page assets) are now in /assets/shared. Shared code libraries reside in the src/engine/ directory.