This is my neovim config ^_^ It used to be more lightweight to run on old spec computers but i dont have that limitaiton anymore, so now it includes a hefty load of plugins for quality of life and utility.
This config works best in a full color terminal with a patched font selected.
It also includes keybinds of my own likings, like SPC+w for window manipulation instead of C-w and SPC+p, SPC+y, SPC+d for saving to system clipboard (plus), the usual p, y, d for saving to neovim clipboard registers (unnamed) and SPC+e to open the file explorer (Lexplore or Nvim-Tree).
It also includes a "barebones" mode with no plugins and only a few simple configs and keybinds for really fast startup time and performance if you just want to make a quick edit, the config file is located at lua/rawinit.lua and you can launch this mode using the shell command:
nvim -u '$HOME/.config/nvim/lua/rawinit.lua'
I also like making it an alias
QVIM="nvim -u '$HOME/.config/nvim/lua/rawinit.lua'"
alias qvim=$QVIM
This config uses the Lazy.nvim plugin manager.
- cmake
- git
- a patched font
- ripgrep