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ArrowDrive (adrv)

ArrowDrive is a Python module that allows you to create and manage virtual disks. The module ensures that the virtual disk's size does not exceed a specified maximum limit.


  • Current version: 1.4.2
  • Last supported version: 1.4.0


ArrowDrive is available on PyPI. You can install it using pip:

pip install adrv

Alternatively, you can clone the repository:

git clone



Create a new instance of the Disk class:

import adrv

disk = adrv.Disk(name='myDisk', path='./disks', max_size=1000 ** 2)

adrv.Disk(name: str = 'vDisk', path: str = './', max_size: int = 1000 ** 2)

Initializes a Disk instance.

  • name: The name of the disk. Defaults to 'vDisk'.
  • path: The path where the disk will be stored. Defaults to './'.
  • max_size: The maximum size of the disk in bytes. Defaults to 1,000,000 bytes.


read(vPath: str) -> FileResponse

Reads a file from the disk.

  • vPath: The path of the file to be read.

write(vPath: str, content: str | bytes = b'', mode: str = 'a') -> int

Writes content to a file in the disk.

  • vPath: The path where the content will be written.
  • content: The content to be written. Defaults to an empty byte string.
  • mode: The writing mode ('a' for append, 'w' for write). Defaults to 'a'.

delete(vPath: str) -> int

Deletes a file from the disk.

  • vPath: The path of the file to be deleted.

format_disk(modelPath: str | None = None)

Formats the disk. Optionally, a model path can be provided to initialize the disk with predefined files.

  • modelPath: The path to a model zip file. None (default) means the Disk will be completely reset.

extract_all(target: str)

Extracts all files from the disk to a target directory.

  • target: The target directory.

f_list(include_ts: bool = False, sys: bool = False) -> list[str | dict]

Lists files in the disk.

  • include_ts: Whether to include timestamps (and additional info in future versions). Defaults to False.
  • sys (deprecated): Whether to include system files. Defaults to False.

diagnosis(snooze: bool = False) -> DiagnoseResponse

Evaluates the health of the disk.

  • snooze: Whether to suppress output. Defaults to False.


import adrv

# Create a new disk
disk = adrv.Disk(name='myDisk', path='./storage', max_size=1000**2)

# Write a file
disk.write('hello.txt', 'Hello, world!', mode='w')

# Read a file
file ='hello.txt')

# List files
files = disk.f_list()

# Delete a file

Error Handling

The module raises specific exceptions for different error conditions:

  • FileIsDirectoryError: Raised when attempting to read a directory as a file.
  • FileNotFoundError: Raised when a file is not found.
  • FullDiskError: Raised when attempting to write content that exceeds the disk's maximum size.
  • BrokenDiskError: Raised when the disk is detected to be in a corrupted state.



parse(data: str, keys: list, mode: int = 1) -> list | dict | list[dict]

Parses the provided data string into different formats based on the mode.

  • data: The data string to parse.
  • keys: A list of keys to use in the parsing.
  • mode: Determines the parsing strategy.
    • 1: Splits data by new lines and zips with keys.
    • 2: Splits data by new lines and then by '=' for key-value pairs.
    • 3: Splits data by '::' and optionally zips with keys.
    • 4: Splits data by new lines.

Returns a list, dictionary, or list of dictionaries based on the mode.

unparse(data, mode: int = 1) -> str

Unparses data into a string based on the mode.

  • data: The data to unparse.
  • mode: Determines the unparse strategy.
    • 1: Joins values with new lines.
    • 2: Joins key-value pairs with '=' and new lines.
    • 3: Joins dictionary values with '::'.
    • 4: Joins list items with new lines.

Returns the unparsed string.



A class to handle size representation and conversion.

  • init(value: int | float)

    • value: The size value in bytes.
  • literal() -> str

    • Converts the raw size value to a human-readable format (e.g., 1kB, 1MB).


  • units: 1 byte.
  • kilo: 1 kilobyte (1,000 bytes).
  • mega: 1 megabyte (1,000,000 bytes).
  • giga: 1 gigabyte (1,000,000,000 bytes).
  • tera: 1 terabyte (1,000,000,000,000 bytes).

convert(val: float, _from: str, _to: str) -> float

Converts a value from one unit to another.

  • val: The value to convert.
  • _from: The original unit (B, kB, MB, GB, TB).
  • _to: The target unit (B, kB, MB, GB, TB).

Returns the converted value.



A class to handle physical file transfer to and from the virtual disk.

  • init(disk: Disk)

    • disk: The Disk instance to interact with.
  • bring(vPath: str, newPath: str)

    • Transfers a file from the virtual disk to a physical location.
    • vPath: The virtual path of the file.
    • newPath: The physical path where the file will be saved.
  • send(filePath: str, vPath: str)

    • Transfers a file from a physical location to the virtual disk.
    • filePath: The physical path of the file.
    • vPath: The virtual path where the file will be saved.


A class to handle file transfer between two virtual disks.

  • init(firstDisk: Disk, secondDisk: Disk)

    • firstDisk: The source Disk instance.
    • secondDisk: The destination Disk instance.
  • cross(targetPath: str, finalPath: str = '/shore', rtl: bool = False)

    • Transfers a file from one virtual disk to another.
    • targetPath: The path of the file on the source disk.
    • finalPath: The path where the file will be saved on the destination disk.
    • rtl: If True, transfers from the second disk to the first; otherwise, transfers from the first to the second.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss any changes.


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License.