Find Open-Source Mentor is a platform for beginners and experienced developers who own open-source projects or have ideas about such projects and need contributors and collaborators.
Beginner programmers have fear about contributing to open-source projects and too-little experience to do their first contributions, so they need someone who has experience and can give tasks, advices and reviews for them.
Experienced developers have open-source projects or project ideas but don't have enough time to work on them, they need someone who can do some tasks and contribute to their projects.
Find Open-Source Mentor is a platform to connect junior and opensorce mentors.
So, here the story begins...
MVP Goal:
- Mentor
- Mentee
- Project
- Task
Near future:
- Event (Someone - join/publish/contribute to project)
- Level (Mentor can specify task difficulty and it will be shown to begginners or for someone with some experience)
- And many other ideas which we welcome to discuss!
- Issues preparation for beginners
- Issues descriptions if there are any questions from assignee
- Pull requests reviewing and commenting
- Fork this repo
- git clone
- Go to the find-open-source-mentor directory in your terminal (
cd find-open-source-mentor
) - if needed
rvm use ruby-2.6.0
(close and open Terminal to apply changes) bundle install
- Go to and create your personal api_tokens, which are specified in .env.example
- Create file .env in main directory (same directory where .env.example is) and specify those keys there, for example:
- GITHUB_APP_ID=59ef67a3328f769
- GITHUB_APP_SECRET=901d023bbe4887b96ed54cd05e64a
- run
rails db:create
andrails db:migrate
- Start local server with
rails s
and go to localhost:3000 - Choose issue which you want to do and comment with 'I'll take it' in it
- Create branch
git checkout -b <add-your-new-branch-name>
- Prepare solution and don't be afraid of asking questions!
- Open pull request with your solution to the issue
- Get review from someone with more experience
- Fix comments and ask questions
- Update your pull request with fixed code
- Get your pull request merged
- Rest a little and feel proud of yourself that you've done your first open-source contribution!