Starting on side 'false', move three items to side 'true' according to the rules printed on the screen. Makes use of exclusive or such that if items a and b are on the same side without you, that is, both false or both true, you lose.
In action! LOL
Fox and Chicken Game
- Get everything to the other side without anything being eaten.
- Your boat can hold you and one other thing (or just you, too).
- Fox and chicken can't be left alone on either side without you;
otherwise, the fox will eat the chicken.
- chicken and corn can't be left alone on either side without you;
otherwise, the chicken will eat the corn.
Side 0 | Side 1
fox |
chicken |
corn |
you \__/|
You're on side 0.
What do you want to take across? (or 'q' to quit)
chicken, corn, fox, you
--> fox▃