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###.. -. - . .-.. .-.. .. --. . -. - / --- -... .--- . -.-. - ... ###### This workshop is about the relationship between humans, machines and their ways of communication. What is beyond the internet of things? What makes things intelligent?
#Build Guide * Connected devices involve a lot of moving pieces and can quickly become complex. On the technical level; they consist of micro-controllers, power, coding, servers, servos and more. We will focus on understanding the concepts behind these topics and design for interactivity, electronics, basic networking and messaging.
- We'll be building out a simple network of nodes and establishing a custom messaging protocol between them.
- Buttons, represents human input. Overrides. Lets say you have an intelligent system, but it's malfunctioning. The human element is always there.
- Analog Sensors, represents sensing, environmental input. Uncontrollable; we must design our system in a way to account for variability.
- Network & Protocol, communication between nodes on a network. Humans are also cosidered a node.
- The languages we choose. What protocols can humans and machines both understand?
####Led Setup
- 1 LED
- 220ohm Resistor
- Wires
####A Button!! * 1 LED * 10k Resistor * Wires
##Software ###Installating MQTT on OSX
pip install paho-mqtt
virtualenv paho-mqtt
source paho-mqtt/bin/activate brew install mosquitto
mosquitto_sub -h xx.xx.xxx.xxx -t topic
###Installing MQTT on Raspberry Pi
#####Do a bunch of commands.
wget http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-repo.gpg.key sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ sudo wget http://repo.mosquitto.org/debian/mosquitto-wheezy.list sudo apt-cache search mosquitto sudo apt-get install mosquitto python-mosquitto mosquitto-clients
#####Open port 1883
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1883 -j ACCEPT
sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install paho-mqtt
##Messages Examples #####Testing via command line
mosquitto_sub -d -t hello/world mosquitto_pub -d -t hello/world -m "Hello World" mosquitto_sub -h YOUR_HOST_IP_ADDRESS -d -t hello/world
###breaking it down.... This example subscribes to the channel 'topic'.
mosquitto_sub -d -t topic
This one subscribes to the channel 'AoE' and publishes the message "Testing 123"
mosquitto_pub -h xx.xx.xxx.xxx -t AoE -m "Testing 123"
This one subscribes to the channel 'NewLab' and publishes the message "Hi Bruno"
mosquitto_pub -h xx.xx.xxx.xxx -t topic -m "Hi Bruno"