Buckshot Roulette Counter is a tool designed to help you keep track of various game elements such as bullets, knives, health, beers, smokes, and magnifying glasses for both the player and the dealer.
Click to expand
full_bullets_increase -> tab
full_bullets_decrease -> capslock
empty_bullets_increase -> shift
empty_bullets_decrease -> ctrl
my_knifes_increase -> k
my_knifes_decrease -> l
dealer_knifes_increase -> j
dealer_knifes_decrease -> ;
my_health_increase -> h
my_health_decrease -> g
dealer_health_increase -> f
dealer_health_decrease -> d
my_beers_increase -> b
my_beers_decrease -> v
dealer_beers_increase -> c
dealer_beers_decrease -> x
my_smokes_increase -> s
my_smokes_decrease -> a
dealer_smokes_increase -> r
dealer_smokes_decrease -> e
my_magnifying_glasses_increase -> m
my_magnifying_glasses_decrease -> n
dealer_magnifying_glasses_increase -> .
dealer_magnifying_glasses_decrease -> ,
settings -> esc
the ability to change these defaults using the gui has not yet been implemented, however you can change them in the project.godot
- Track full and empty bullets
- Track knives for both player and dealer
- Track health for both player and dealer
- Track beers for both player and dealer
- Track smokes for both player and dealer
- Track magnifying glasses for both player and dealer