evoJS is a genetic and evolutionary algorithm tool, making it easy to incorporate evolutionary algorithms in your JavaScript.
To install run npm install evo-js
To run on a browser, include evo.min.js
in your scripts.
The tool is used through a population
object. Here is a simple example
// Instantiate a population object
var population = evo.population();
var evaluateGenes = function (genes) {
/* Use genes to return a score */
// Define a method to evaluate genes and return the fitness
// 'genes' is an array of floats
population.on('run', function(genes){
return evaluateGenes(genes); // Supply this method to evaluate the genes
// Run with a stopping criteria
population.run({generations: 10});
// Get the best genes
var result = population.bestGenes();
As an argument to evo.population
a configuration object can be passed to override the
defaults. Here are the defaults.
var config = {
genes: 200, // Number of genes for each member
size: 100, // Number of members in the gene population
cross_rate: 0.05, // The frequency of gene "twists" in two parents genes
mutate_rate: 0.05, // The frequency of mutations in a parent gene
mutate_amount: 1.0, // The amount a mutated gene can deviate
// Each generation is made from a mix of different breeding strategies
// Ratios defines the ratio of each in the next generation
ratios: {
top: 0.25, // Survivors from last generation
mutate: 0.25, // Created by randomly altering genes
cross: 0.25, // Created from crossing parents
random: 0.10, // Random survivors from last generation
average:0.05, // Created by averaging parents together
fresh: 0.10 // new, totally random gene sets
var population = evo.population(config);
As an argument to population.run
a configuration object can be passed to defined the
stopping conditions
var config = {
iterations: 1000, // How many times run will be called
generations: 100, // How many generations will be run
score: 10.0, // Minimum score to be reached (higher score is better)
// A while function can be supplied
// when false is returned sim stops
while: function(){
return true;
// If true, a method will be attempted to stop when the score
// stops changing across generations
auto_run: false
While population provides the run method to run simulations, the gene population can be accessed manually for custom simulations.
population = evo.population()
while(population.generation < 100) {
// Grab next genes
var genes = population.nextGenes();
//Evaluate genes
var score = evaluateGenes(genes);
//Report genes back to population
population.report(genes, score);
When the gene population is empty, a new generation will be created.
You may provide a member constructor to automate gene evaluation, and use a more object oriented approach
population = evo.population()
// Supply a 'constructor' to use the genes
population.on('member', function(genes){
var member = {
height: genes[0],
width: genes[1]
return member;
// Run will now give your constructed member instead of a gene list
population.on('run', function(member){
return member.height + member.width;