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Turi Create 5.4
New Features
Feature Enhancements
- CMake simplification & build speedup #1413
- Improvements to LBFGS Solver. #1372
- Replace Armadillo with Eigen #1402
Bug Fixes
- crashes if there are 0 effective columns #1505
- Exception when importing TuriCreate on a machine with no GPUs #1405
- Handle exception thrown when calling
when no GPU is installed #1406 - Killed upon reaching iteration limit #1075
- Linear Regression Gives Incorrect Error Message with Image Column - #1298
- Per-class accuracy doesn't make any sense #1407
- Fix issue with documentation failing to display generated images #1595
- SFrame.explore() throws AssertionError on a column with a list of list of dictionaries. #1503
- Scatter plot and heat map start axes at 0 #1194
- six dependency is too rigid #1417
- Logistic Classifier: disable probability output type for multiclass predict #1414
- Recommender Exclude Parameter Not Working #1164
creates wheels that are not pip installable #927- gl_sframe cache invalidation bug #1422
- Fixes S3 write path for SFrames #1416