A comprehensive, partially automatically generated comparison of static site generators with some minimal meta data about them.
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There are generally three types of Content Management Systems:
- Dynamic Servers (e.g. WordPress, Ghost, DocPad, Harp) — these allow you to have re-render on every request abilities
- Flat File CMS (e.g. Yellow, Techy) — these allow you to write your content as files
- Static Site Generators (e.g. Jekyll, DocPad) — these generate a static website from your input that you can deploy anywhere
Currently, this listing is only for projects that are either a Flat File CMS and/or Static Site Generator, but not for projects which are only Dynamic Servers (such as WordPress and Ghost).
Accepted project fields:
- the project's namegithub
- the location of the GitHub repositorylicense
- the project's license (or lack of license), see license types
Other fields are automatically collected from the GitHub repository but if the project does not have one you can use the following fields:
- the project's website if they have onelanguage
- the project's language (note, if the entry is closed-source, use "Web" or "App")description
- the project's descriptioncreated_at
- the project's creation date in "2010-10-20T13:46:08Z" format (not needed if the project has a GitHub repo)
- name: "Amazing"
github: "octocat/amazing"
license: "MIT"
website: "http://theamazingstaticsitegenerator.com"
language: "Go"
description: "The most amazing static site generator yet."
created_at: "2010-10-20T13:46:08Z"
This listing is released into the public domain.