#Bingo! This application is build with ReactJS, NodeJS & the Notifications API. When we started building it, the setup was nothing more than an inside work related joke. But after starting it become a goal to provide an awesome application that could be used by anyone.
##Data The data of the Bingo items can be changed through the server/data/items.json. For now you need at least 24 items to play a valid game.
If you want to play with less items, or change other properties for the server, you can change them in the server/modules/settings.js
##Gulp To compile the javascript to a final.js file, you should run the gulp task. The gulpfile is present within the root of the project.
- Scheduled time blocks to start a new round
- Connect items to a time window (to prevent time dependent items)
- User login connected to API (Basecamp for dpdk or FB login)
- Voting system to prevent lies. (no false bingos or notifications allowed) - place in notifcations popup
- After a item has been marked as 'checked', other users need to confirm this (minimum half of players)
- Upgrade the winpage, make it awesome with confetti or something!
- Ranking system on user level (history of scores)
##Changelog ###v1.0 ####TODO
- CSS Front-end uitbreiden
- Notifications with custom image
- Play with a actual name, to prevent ugly hash as 'name'
- File watcher on data JSON to prevent server restart. (change items with start of new round)
Put application online (so everyone can test)Make notifications auto-disappear (Chrome..)Create Bingo logic (save state on server)Prevent cheating by making server responsible for checked off item list. Client 'hack-proof'When checking items of your list, update other clientsPrevent more clicks on 1 itemUse local storage to save session ID to save your game statusSave bingo rounds on the server, only start new round when round is finishedWhen round is finished, show timer countdown to new roundWhen too many items are checked off, block new players until a new round startsShow a message to a user that he has to wait for a new roundSave array with ID's that are checked of the listExternal file for bingo items data (JSON)Fill Readme.md