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AWX Operator Helm Chart

This chart installs the AWX Operator resources configured in this repository.


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Getting Started

To configure your AWX resource using this chart, create your own yaml values file. The name is up to personal preference since it will explicitly be passed into the helm chart. Helm will merge whatever values you specify in your file with the default values.yaml, overriding any settings you've changed while allowing you to fall back on defaults. Because of this functionality, values.yaml should not be edited directly.

In your values config, enable AWX.enabled and add AWX.spec values based on the awx operator's documentation. Consult the docs below for additional functionality.


To install the awx-operator chart, visit the chart usage guide.


helm install my-awx-operator awx-operator/awx-operator -n awx --create-namespace -f myvalues.yaml

Argument breakdown:

  • -f passes in the file with your custom values
  • -n sets the namespace to be installed in
    • This value is accessed by {{ $.Release.Namespace }} in the templates
    • Acts as the default namespace for all unspecified resources
  • --create-namespace specifies that helm should create the namespace before installing

To update an existing installation, use helm upgrade instead of install. The rest of the syntax remains the same.

Caveats on upgrading existing installation

There is no support at this time for upgrading or deleting CRDs using Helm. See helm documentation for additional detail.

When upgrading to releases with CRD changes use the following command to update the CRDs

kubectl apply --server-side -k<VERSION>

If running above command results in an error like below:

Apply failed with 1 conflict: conflict with "helm" using .spec.versions
Please review the fields above--they currently have other managers. Here
are the ways you can resolve this warning:
* If you intend to manage all of these fields, please re-run the apply
  command with the `--force-conflicts` flag.
* If you do not intend to manage all of the fields, please edit your
  manifest to remove references to the fields that should keep their
  current managers.
* You may co-own fields by updating your manifest to match the existing
  value; in this case, you'll become the manager if the other manager(s)
  stop managing the field (remove it from their configuration).

Use --force-conflicts flag to resolve the conflict.

kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -k<VERSION>


The goal of adding helm configurations is to abstract out and simplify the creation of multi-resource configs. The AWX.spec field maps directly to the spec configs of the AWX resource that the operator provides, which are detailed in the main README. Other sub-config can be added with the goal of simplifying more involved setups that require additional resources to be specified.

These sub-headers aim to be a more intuitive entrypoint into customizing your deployment, and are easier to manage in the long-term. By design, the helm templates will defer to the manually defined specs to avoid configuration conflicts. For example, if AWX.spec.postgres_configuration_secret is being used, the AWX.postgres settings will not be applied, even if enabled.

External Postgres

The AWX.postgres section simplifies the creation of the external postgres secret. If enabled, the configs provided will automatically be placed in a postgres-config secret and linked to the AWX resource. For proper secret management, the AWX.postgres.password value, and any other sensitive values, can be passed in at the command line rather than specified in code. Use the --set argument with helm install. Supplying the password this way is not recommended for production use, but may be helpful for initial PoC.

Additional Kubernetes Resources

The AWX.extraDeploy section allows the creation of additional Kubernetes resources. This simplifies setups requiring additional objects that are used by AWX, e.g. using ExternalSecrets to create Kubernetes secrets.

Resources are passed as an array, either as YAML or strings (literal "|"). The resources are passed through tpl, so templating is possible. Example:

  # enable use of awx-deploy template

  # configurations for external postgres instance
    enabled: false

  - |
    kind: ExternalSecret
      name: {{ .Release.Name }}-postgres-secret-string-example
      namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
        app: {{ .Release.Name }}
        name: vault
        kind: ClusterSecretStore
      refreshInterval: "1h"
        name: postgres-configuration-secret-string-example
        creationPolicy: "Owner"
        deletionPolicy: "Delete"
        - extract:
            key: awx/postgres-configuration-secret

  - apiVersion:
    kind: ExternalSecret
      name: "{{ .Release.Name }}-postgres-secret-yaml-example"
      namespace: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
        app: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
        name: vault
        kind: ClusterSecretStore
      refreshInterval: "1h"
        name: postgres-configuration-secret-yaml-example
        creationPolicy: "Owner"
        deletionPolicy: "Delete"
        - extract:
            key: awx/postgres-configuration-secret

Custom secrets

The customSecrets section simplifies the creation of our custom secrets used during AWX deployment. Supplying the passwords this way is not recommended for production use, but may be helpful for initial PoC.

If enabled, the configs provided will automatically used to create the respective secrets and linked at the CR spec level. For proper secret management, the sensitive values can be passed in at the command line rather than specified in code. Use the --set argument with helm install.


  # enable use of awx-deploy template

  # configurations for external postgres instance
    enabled: false

    enabled: true
      enabled: true
      password: mysuperlongpassword
      secretName: my-admin-password
      enabled: true
      key: supersecuresecretkey
      secretName: my-awx-secret-key
      enabled: true
      selfSignedCert: true
      key: unset
      certificate: unset
      enabled: false
      key: <contentoftheprivatekey>
      certificate: <contentofthepublickey>
      enabled: false
      crt: <contentofmybundlecacrt>
      enabled: true
      password: yourldapdnpassword
      enabled: false
      crt: <contentofmybundlecacrt>
      enabled: false
      url: unset
      username: unset
      password: unset
      sslVerify: true
      secretName: my-ee-pull-credentials
      enabled: false
        - registry:
          username: unset
          password: unset
      secretName: my-cp-pull-credentials

Custom volumes

The customVolumes section simplifies the creation of Persistent Volumes used when you want to store your databases and projects files on the cluster's Node. Since their backends are hostPath, the size specified are just like a label and there is no actual capacity limitation.

You have to prepare directories for these volumes. For example:

sudo mkdir -p /data/postgres-13
sudo mkdir -p /data/projects
sudo chmod 755 /data/postgres-13
sudo chown 1000:0 /data/projects


  # enable use of awx-deploy template

  # configurations for external postgres instance
    enabled: false

      enabled: true
      hostPath: /data/postgres-13
      enabled: true
      hostPath: /data/projects
      size: 1Gi

Values Summary


Value Description Default
AWX.enabled Enable this AWX resource configuration false The name of the AWX resource and default prefix for other resources "awx"
AWX.spec specs to directly configure the AWX resource {}
AWX.postgres configurations for the external postgres secret -


Value Description Default
extraDeploy array of additional resources to be deployed (supports YAML or literal "|") -


Value Description Default
Operator.replicas Number of controller-manager instance replicas 1


Value Description Default
customSecrets.enabled Enable the secret resources configuration false
customSecrets.admin Configurations for the secret that contains the admin user password -
customSecrets.secretKey Configurations for the secret that contains the symmetric key for encryption -
customSecrets.ingressTls Configurations for the secret that contains the TLS information when ingress_type=ingress -
customSecrets.routeTls Configurations for the secret that contains the TLS information when ingress_type=route (route_tls_secret) -
customSecrets.ldapCacert Configurations for the secret that contains the LDAP Certificate Authority -
customSecrets.ldap Configurations for the secret that contains the LDAP BIND DN password -
customSecrets.bundleCacert Configurations for the secret that contains the Certificate Authority -
customSecrets.eePullCredentials Configurations for the secret that contains the pull credentials for registered ees can be found -
customSecrets.cpPullCredentials Configurations for the secret that contains the image pull credentials for app and database containers -

Below the addition variables to customize the secret configuration.

Admin user password secret configuration

Value Description Default
customSecrets.admin.enabled If true, secret will be created false
customSecrets.admin.password Admin user password -
customSecrets.admin.secretName Name of secret for admin_password_secret <resourcename>-admin-password>

Secret Key secret configuration

Value Description Default
customSecrets.secretKey.enabled If true, secret will be created false
customSecrets.secretKey.key Key is used to encrypt sensitive data in the database -
customSecrets.secretKey.secretName Name of secret for secret_key_secret <resourcename>-secret-key

Ingress TLS secret configuration

Value Description Default
customSecrets.ingressTls.enabled If true, secret will be created false
customSecrets.ingressTls.selfSignedCert If true, an self-signed TLS certificate for AWX.spec.hostname will be create by helm false
customSecrets.ingressTls.key Private key to use for TLS/SSL -
customSecrets.ingressTls.certificate Certificate to use for TLS/SSL -
customSecrets.ingressTls.secretName Name of secret for ingress_tls_secret <resourcename>-ingress-tls
customSecrets.ingressTls.labels Array of labels for the secret -

Route TLS secret configuration

Value Description Default
customSecrets.routeTls.enabled If true, secret will be created false
customSecrets.routeTls.key Private key to use for TLS/SSL -
customSecrets.routeTls.certificate Certificate to use for TLS/SSL -
customSecrets.routeTls.secretName Name of secret for route_tls_secret <resourcename>-route-tls

LDAP Certificate Authority secret configuration

Value Description Default
customSecrets.ldapCacert.enabled If true, secret will be created false
customSecrets.ldapCacert.crt Bundle of CA Root Certificates -
customSecrets.ldapCacert.secretName Name of secret for ldap_cacert_secret <resourcename>-custom-certs

LDAP BIND DN Password secret configuration

Value Description Default
customSecrets.ldap.enabled If true, secret will be created false
customSecrets.ldap.password LDAP BIND DN password -
customSecrets.ldap.secretName Name of secret for ldap_password_secret <resourcename>-ldap-password

Certificate Authority secret configuration

Value Description Default
customSecrets.bundleCacert.enabled If true, secret will be created false
customSecrets.bundleCacert.crt Bundle of CA Root Certificates -
customSecrets.bundleCacert.secretName Name of secret for bundle_cacert_secret <resourcename>-custom-certs

Default EE pull secrets configuration

Value Description Default
customSecrets.eePullCredentials.enabled If true, secret will be created false
customSecrets.eePullCredentials.url Registry url -
customSecrets.eePullCredentials.username Username to connect as -
customSecrets.eePullCredentials.password Password to connect with -
customSecrets.eePullCredentials.sslVerify Whether verify ssl connection or not. true
customSecrets.eePullCredentials.secretName Name of secret for ee_pull_credentials_secret <resourcename>-ee-pull-credentials

Control Plane pull secrets configuration

Value Description Default
customSecrets.cpPullCredentials.enabled If true, secret will be created false
customSecrets.cpPullCredentials.dockerconfig Array of configurations for the Docker credentials that are used for accessing a registry -
customSecrets.cpPullCredentials.dockerconfig[].registry Server location for Docker registry
customSecrets.cpPullCredentials.dockerconfig[].username Username to connect as -
customSecrets.cpPullCredentials.dockerconfig[].password Password to connect with -
customSecrets.cpPullCredentials.secretName Name of secret for image_pull_secrets <resoucename>-cp-pull-credentials


Persistent Volume for databases postgres

Value Description Default
customVolumes.postgres.enabled Enable the PV resource configuration for the postgres databases false
customVolumes.postgres.hostPath Directory location on host -
customVolumes.postgres.size Size of the volume 8Gi
customVolumes.postgres.accessModes Volume access mode ReadWriteOnce
customVolumes.postgres.storageClassName PersistentVolume storage class name for postgres_storage_class <resourcename>-postgres-volume

Persistent Volume for projects files

Value Description Default
customVolumes.projects.enabled Enable the PVC and PVC resources configuration for the projects files false
customVolumes.projects.hostPath Directory location on host -
customVolumes.projects.size Size of the volume 8Gi
customVolumes.projects.accessModes Volume access mode ReadWriteOnce
customVolumes.postgres.storageClassName PersistentVolume storage class name <resourcename>-projects-volume


Adding abstracted sections

Where possible, defer to AWX.spec configs before applying the abstracted configs to avoid collision. This can be facilitated by the (hasKey .spec what_i_will_abstract) check.

Building and Testing

This chart is built using the Makefile in the awx-operator repo. Clone the repo and run make helm-chart. This will create the awx-operator chart in the charts/awx-operator directory. In this process, the contents of the .helm/starter directory will be added to the chart.

Future Goals

All values under the AWX header are focused on configurations that use the operator. Configurations that relate to the Operator itself could be placed under an Operator heading, but that may add a layer of complication over current development.

Chart Publishing

The chart is currently hosted on the gh-pages branch of the repo. During the release pipeline, the index.yaml stored in that branch is generated with helm chart entries from all valid tags. We are currently unable to use the chart-releaser pipeline due to the fact that the complete helm chart is not committed to the repo and is instead built during the release process. Therefore, the cr action is unable to compare against previous versions.

Instead of CR, we use helm repo index to generate an index from all locally pulled chart versions. Since we build from scratch every time, the timestamps of all entries will be updated. This could be improved by using yq or something similar to detect which tags are already in the index.yaml file, and only merge in tags that are not present.

Not using CR could be addressed in the future by keeping the chart built as a part of releases, as long as CR compares the chart to previous release packages rather than previous commits. If the latter is the case, then we would not have the necessary history for comparison.