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Starter Kit Tutorial

Librae edited this page Jun 8, 2018 · 8 revisions

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Download/install Visual Studio Code

Install AliOS Studio plug-in

  1. Install C/C++ plug-in img
  2. install alios-studio plug-in img

If you have already installed, please make sure that its version is higher than 0.7.1

Development environment preparation


Refer to AliOS-Things-Linux-Environment-Setup

Install :

Install python pip manager and install/upgrade aos-cube to global environment: pip install -U aos-cube

aos-cube version >= 0.2.22

We recommend you to use serial tool minicom or picocom.


Refer to AliOS-Things-Windows-Environment-Setup You can directly use the software package we have prepared :> You can also install the following software/tool :

After Python 2 and Git have been installed, install/upgrade aos-cube: pip install -U aos-cube in Git Bash

aos-cube version >= 0.2.22

Download AliOS Things code

Copy from GitHub : git clone Or from mirror site : git clone

Start compiling helloworld

  1. Open AliOS Things code directory in Visual Studio Code imgimg
  2. Click img to start compiling. If toolchain is not found, it will be download to correct location.

If toolchain is still not found after configuring, you can add arm-none-eabi- to global PATH. If not, you can copy the toolchain to the following path, or create symbolic link in the following link as long as toolchain exists in that path : AliOS-Things/build/compiler/arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q3-20160926/OSX/ AliOS-Things/build/compiler/arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q3-20160926/Win32/ AliOS-Things/build/compiler/arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q3-20160926/Linux64/

├── arm-none-eabi/
├── bin/
├── lib/
└── share/

  1. Occupation status of each component will be shown after compiling :img

Program to Starter Kit

  1. Connect Starter Kit with your computer trough USB Micro line.
  2. Click img at the bottom to complete hardware programming. img

Open the serial port, and you can see app_delayed_action start in one second and it will be triggered every seconds.

 [   1.000]<V> AOS [app_delayed_action#9] : app_delayed_action:9 app
 [   6.000]<V> AOS [app_delayed_action#9] : app_delayed_action:9 app
 [  11.000]<V> AOS [app_delayed_action#9] : app_delayed_action:9 app
 [  16.000]<V> AOS [app_delayed_action#9] : app_delayed_action:9 app

GUI application case

Double click on starterkitgui@starterkit in BUILD TARGET on the left to start compiling GUI demo OF Starter Kit . When Starter Kit is connected to the computer through USB, click on Upload to program the hardware. img

The demo will read real-time data of accelerometer and draw a picture displayed in LCD. img


Debug the configuration

Click on the bottom on the left to switch to Debug page.



Select Debug @ Mac/Linux .img

Update AliOS-Things/.vscode/launch.json debug configuration file based on compiled and burned app@board. For example, modify related configuration after compiling and programing starterkitgui@starterkit.img


Debugging in Windows is similar to configuration in Mac/Linux. The difference is that you need to select Debug @ Windows and modify the path of program to a mirror file corresponding to the programed firmware, as shown in the following picture:

"program": "D:\\work\\AliOS-Things\\out\\starterkitgui@starterkit\\binary\\[email protected]"


Start debugging

Click the green ▶️ button in the top left corner (or F5) to start debugging.img

According to the setting in launch.json

"text": "break application_start"

After debugging, it will automatically turn to the set breakpoint application_start , and debug toolbar will appear on the top to provide commonly-used single step debugging functions, as shown in the picture : img

Similarly, you can right click to selectRun to Cursor :img

You can see variable values in the left view area : img

Complete debugging

So far, the basic debugging process has been completed. You can click on the red stop key on the upper toolbar to end debugging.

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