Implementation of the Bulletproof Zk cryptosystem as described in Bünz et al. Special thanks to Adjoint IO and Adam Gibson whose resources served as a helpful reference guide for this implementation.
Bulletproofs is a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof protocol with logarithmic sized proofs that do not require a trusted setup. Proof generation and verification scale linearly but optimisations can reduce these to sub-linear.
This library is currently experimental and still under development. Usage in production systems is not recommended
[x] Range proof
[x] Range Proof aggregation
[x] Optimised Single Multi-Exponentiation (using Pippenger's Algorithm)
[ ] Batch Verification
Bulletproof range proofs are logarithmic-sized. This is achieved through the transformation of the range proof constraints into a single inner product and application of the proof of inner product optimisation.
The two main functions are generate_range_proof
and verify_range_proof
. The former takes as inputs: a bitwise upperBound (n), an array of integer values values, their corresponding blinding factors and two randomly generated points used in the commitment and inner-product proof. The result is a proof that each value is between 0 and (2^n)-1.
takes as inputs the range proof outputted from generate_range_proof
, the array of commitments, and the two generated points.
import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim
import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate
import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types
run_rangeProof :: IO ()
run_rangeProof = do
h <- generateQ crv <$> scalarGenerate crv
let vBlinds = [10,12]
vs = [8,9]
commVs = (\ (v,vBlind) -> pointAdd crv (pointMul crv vBlind h) (pointBaseMul crv (toInteger v))) <$> zip vs vBlinds
uB = 8 -- # of Bits vs needs to below
range_proof <- generate_range_proof uB vs vBlinds h
let verified = verify_range_proof range_proof commVs h