A list of words in Sinhalese language, sorted by alphabetical order. Contains ~25,000 words.
The list of words is trimmed, and stored in a flat text file si.txt
. Each word is separate by a new line character \n
An additional package.json
is provided to ease updating the list.
npm install --save sinhala-words
For Node-based projects, you can use this words list by splitting the list of words by \n
new line character.
const fs = require('fs');
// Get path to the words list.
onst sinhala_words_path= require('word-list');
const sinhala_words= fs.readFileSync(sinhala_words_path, 'utf8').split('\n');
// ['අභිචෝදකයා', 'අංකනය', 'අංකන', ...]