This is a server application allowing to read data from ANT+ devices and sending them over to a TCP connection. It can currently read heart rate from an ANT+ HRM and read power, speed and cadence from an ANT+ FE-C trainer (most recent trainers support this). It can also control the resistance of the trainer by setting the slope.
lubusb -
The application is built on a Windows platform using Visual Studio 2017 (the Community Edition will work fine). It could be easily ported to Linux as well, but this hasn't been done yet.
- Get TrainerControl and libusb repo and format the workspace folder as below
|- libusb
|- TrainerControl
- Build libusb as static library for required configuration (Release/Debug + Win32/x64): open \libusdb\msvc\libusb_2017.sln
- Build TrainerControl via \TrainerControl\vs2017\TrainerControl.sln
To connet with Ant device need to install libusbK driver. You can use Zadig ( application: select your Ant device and libusbK driver.
To run the application, open a command window and type:
The application will try to find the ANT+ USB stick and connect to the heart rate monitor and bike trainer. It will also accept TCP connections on port 7500.