Run this playbook on a prepared host:
ansible-playbook install-awx.yaml
Obtain the admin password by getting the secret from the cluster:
kubectl -n awx get secret awx-admin-password -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode
- IBM Cloud IKS
Choose an appropriate block storageclass for postgres. (
Example in awx cr:
postgres_storage_class: ibmc-block-bronze
- k3s
- k3d
- kind
pip packages:
- authlib>=3.2.0
- kubernetes
Galaxy Collections:
- community.general
- kubernetes.core
This will install the requirements but may not work on systems with non-standard python installations
or run the steps manually:
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yaml
ansible-playbook prepare.yaml
This uninstalls awx and the operator deployment using the saved credentials
This deletes the namespace that AWX is in...
Be careful with this...
ansible-playbook uninstall-awx.yaml -e "awx_hostname=thehostnameinyourartifactsdiryouwanttouninstall"