An implementation of YOLO and Mobilenet-SSD object detection with a ROS2 interface and enhanced processor utilization using OpenVINO model optimization tools. It can be use with any Myriad X, i.e.: Intel Neural Compute Stick 2.
This package is designed on async api of Intel OpenVINO and allows an easy setup for object detection.
If you provide a pointcloud image (from an Intel RealSense Camera, for example) you can obtain 3d boxes and markers in Rviz2.
Keywords: ROS, ROS2, OpenVino, RealSense, OpenCV, object_detection
The source code is released under a Apache license 2.0.
Author: Alberto Tudela
The object_detection_openvino package has been tested under Rviz2 Galactic on Ubuntu 20.04. This is research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.
- Robot Operating System (ROS) (middleware for robotics),
- Intel OpenVINO 2021.4.1 (toolkit for deep learning),
- OpenCV 3 (Computer Vision library),
- Boost (C++ source libraries)
To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using
cd colcon_workspace/src
git clone
cd ../
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro galactic -y
colcon build --symlink-install
Run the main node with:
ros2 launch object_detection_openvino
The weights file is very large and needs to be downloaded separately.
Download the weights file to object_detection_openvino/models/ to install it.
cd object_detection_openvino/models
Perform object detection using OpenVino.
(sensor_msgs/Image)Color image topic where detection will be performed.
(sensor_msgs/PointCloud2) (Optional)Registered pointcloud topic. Is this topic is not empty, it will extract a 3d bounding box of the objects detected. This pointcloud must be ordered.
(sensor_msgs/Image)Image with the bounding boxes surrounding the detected objects.
(vision_msgs/VisionInfo)Provides meta-information about the detection pipeline: method, database location,...
(vision_msgs/Detection2DArray)List with the detected objects in the image.
(vision_msgs/Detection3DArray)List with the detected objects in the image if pointcloud is enabled.
(visualization_msgs/MarkerArray)3d markers of the objects detected.
(string, default: "camera_link")Frame that all measurements are based on.
(string array, default: "-")String array with the labels of the classes.
(float, default: 0.3)Detection threshold.
(float, default: 0.4)Bounding box intersection overlaping threshold.
(string, default: "-")Filepath to the network configuration file.
(string, default: "-")Filepath to the network weigths fie.
(string, default: "-")Filepath to the network labels file.
(string, default: "YOLO")Network type. Can be YOLO or SSD.
(string, default: "CPU")Device target. Can be CPU, GPU or a MYRIAD device.
(bool, default: false)Option to show the fps in the image.
- Convert nodes to LifeCycleNodes.