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Sentence generation system for evaluating composition, described in Ettinger et al. (2018) "Assessing Composition in Sentence Vector Representations". Probing task datasets and classifier code available at

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CompEval Generation System

This is the code for the generation system described in 'Assessing Composition in Sentence Vector Representations' (COLING 2018), by Allyson Ettinger, Ahmed Elgohary, Colin Phillips, and Philip Resnik.

The probing task datasets and classifier code for the experiments described in the paper can be found here.


  author = {Allyson Ettinger and Ahmed Elgohary and Colin Phillips and Philip Resnik},
  title = {Assessing Composition in Sentence Vector Representations},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of COLING},
  year = {2018},


  • NumPy
  • NLTK

Basic usage

You can generate sentences that will vary freely within the built-in system parameters using the command below

python --setname sent --setdir . --configfile config1.example.json --mpo 10

This will generate 10 sentences for each structural category that the system uses, and write them to sent.txt in the generation_system directory, with annotation objects written to sent-annot.json.

  • setname is used in naming the output files and will also be used in sentence IDs
  • setdir specifies the location to write the output files
  • configfile specifies the config file, described in more detail below
  • mpo specifies the maximum number of sentences to be generated for a given structural category
  • adv you can also include this option with an integer argument, in which case the system will insert a variable number of adverbs before verbs (as long as your vocabulary includes adverbs), with the integer specifying the maximum number of adverbs to precede a given verb

Modifying config files

Specifying EVENT constraints

When using the needEv and avoidEv constraints in the config files, you will use EVENT objects. config2.example.json and config3.example.json give examples of using these objects to specify these constraints. EVENT objects allow specification of the following properties:

EVENT objects can specify the following:

  • name: the lemma describing the event (verb)
  • tense: tense of the event (past or pres, e.g., 'sleeps' vs 'slept')
  • aspect: aspect of the event (neut or prog, e.g., 'sleeps' vs 'is sleeping')
  • voice: voice of the event (active or passive, e.g., 'x chased y' vs 'y was chased by x')
  • pol: polarity of the event (pos or neg, e.g., 'slept' vs 'did not sleep')
  • frame: transitivity of the event (transitive or intransitive)
  • participants: participants in the event - an object with possible keys of agent and patient

The participant keys (agent or patient) map to CHARACTER objects, within which you can specify the following:

  • name: the lemma describing the participant (noun)
  • num: number of the participant (sg or pl, e.g., 'student' vs 'students')
  • attributes: attributes of the participant - another object. Currently the only supported attribute is a relative clause, the key for which is rc, and the value for which is another object.

The RC object can specify the following:

  • rtype: object-relative or subject-relative (orc or src)
  • event: the event described by the relative clause. The value here will be another EVENT object, as described above.

Note that at present only one event object can be specified for a given constraint.

Config file examples

Config files are used to specify a) the input constraints for the sentences to be generated, and b) possible structures for the sentences.

The three example config files give some illustrations of how you can specify constraints.

config1.example.json specifies no input constraints. Sentences can vary freely within the built-in parameters of the system.

config2.example.json uses all of the categories of input constraint, to illustrate usage of each.

  • With needEv, it specifies an event that all sentences must include: in this case, an event with lawyer as AGENT of recommend. This is a JSON object.
  • With avoidEv, it specifies an event that no sentences can include: in this case, an event with lawyer as AGENT of shout. This is a JSON object.
  • With needList, it specifies lemmas that need to be present in every sentence. This is a JSON object with keys for 'noun','transitive' (verb), and 'intransitive' (verb), and arrays of lemmas as values.
  • With avoidList, it specifies lemmas that cannot be present in any sentence. This is a JSON object with keys for 'noun','transitive' (verb), and 'intransitive' (verb), and arrays of lemmas as values.

config3.example.json demonstrates a more complex usage of the EVENT object in specifying the needEv constraint. In this case, the constraint specifies that

These examples leave constant the role_rc_structures object, which lists the different possible structures that the sentences can be made up of. The structures listed in this object specify whether different participants have relative clauses, so for example {"agent":"none","patient":"transitive"} describes a sentence in which the agent has no relative clause attribute, and the patient has a transitive relative clause.

Modifying vocabulary

lexical/vocabulary.json already contains a usable vocabulary (containing only human nouns and verbs that are compatible with human participants, to preserve plausibility).

If you want to modify the vocabulary, you can do this by first modifying lexical/vocabulary.json. The vocabulary object in this file has four keys corresponding to lemma categories: nouns, transitive verbs, intransitive verbs, and adverbs. New vocabulary items must be placed in the array corresponding to the correct key, and must be lemmas (dictionary forms - e.g., 'sleep') and NOT inflected forms (e.g., 'sleeps').

You can then build the lexical variables that the system will use by running


This will read from lexical/vocabulary.json and write a new gensys_lexvars.json (which contains an inflection dictionary and other lexical variables for the system to use) based on the new vocabulary. uses the XTAG morphology database to look up inflections, and will remove any lemmas from the vocabulary that are missing inflections in that lookup.


Sentence generation system for evaluating composition, described in Ettinger et al. (2018) "Assessing Composition in Sentence Vector Representations". Probing task datasets and classifier code available at






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