Actinia is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed, high-performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly GRASS GIS for computational tasks (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5879231).
The actinia related repositories are organized as follows:
- actinia-core: Core REST API for geospatial processing.
- actinia-api: API descriptions for actinia-core and official plugins.
- actinia-api-documentation: Rendered API documentation.
- actinia-python-client: Python client library for the actinia API.
- actinia-parallel-plugin: Parallel processing plugin.
- actinia-satellite-plugin: Efficient satellite data handling plugin.
- actinia-stac-plugin: Interact with STAC catalogs.
- actinia-statistic-plugin: Compute raster and time-series statistics.
- actinia-tiling-plugin: Data tiling plugin.
- actinia-docker: Docker configurations for actinia-core.
- Docker images: Docker images of actinia-core.
- helm-charts: Helm charts for Kubernetes deployment.
- actinia-example-plugin: Example plugin.
- actinia-introduction: Introduction to actinia.
- actinia tutorial: Rendered actinia tutorial.
- actinia-jupyter: Jupyter notebooks for tutorials.
- processing-examples: Examples of processing chains.
- actinia slides: Slides about actinia.
- GRASS GIS in the cloud: actinia geoprocessing: Rendered actinia slides (requires Chrome browser).
- actinia-metadata-plugin: Integration with metadata catalogs (GeoNetwork).
- actinia-gdi: Integration with Spatial Data Infrastructure.
- Landing page for actinia-org
- Core maintainer actinia page at mundialis