For sometime now, I was planing to create an application which could help with aggregating all the links that I send to my mail id. I have this habit of sending links/urls of any interesting things that I find on the internet, something like archiving them for future reading or reference purposes.
With this idea in mind, here I present MyLink. Initially I planned on doing it as a Single Page Application(as of now this is the state), so that I have an oppertunity to look into some AngularJS. Along with Angular in the front end I have used Flask for some REST support in server side. For database SQLite is used along with Flask SQLAlchemy for DB management from python code.
Initially you just have to email to yourself with all the links in each separate lines. And also make sure that the subject fo the mail should always be smae and this subject string is to be configured in the application.
The whole server side work divided among two applications.
One is a regular python script(aggregator) which uses the Gmail API to collect mails from the specified gmail account and parse the mails for any urls. Aggregator collects the mails, verifies if the urls is working and then stores it to the DB.
The second part is a flask web app, which displays all the collected information and lets you organize them. You could continue reading your filtered articles or jokes from here now.
The application also has a funcationality that I have named as SURPRISE ME, which will redirect you to a link randomly selected from the database. This function will help you to read a random article that we had ourself hand picked before.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Both the aggregator script and web app works independently. So whenever, you want to update the DB run the aggregator script. And when you want to see the visualization, start the web app.
- Turn on Gmail API:
In the begining we will have to create a gmail application in google developer site. You can see the steps here. Create a client_secret.json file and mention the path inside aggregator/ or by default the file from inside aggregator/ directory is considered.
Please make a point to change the APP_NAME variable also in the to what you have provided in the Google developer site.
- SQLite databse file path:
There are two places where we need to mention this file name. One inside aggregator/ and another is in links/ Provide same path in both these files. Refer here for details on how to provide DB file path.
- IP and port of the server in script inside links/ directory. Change the values as per what you wanted
Just create a pull request. Fell free to provide any kind suggestions. All kinds of inputs regarding any improvements or new features are highly appreciated.