Build the Pixar Universal Scene Description system and Maya USD plugin.
docker build --rm -t usd-build .
Create a new build directory and execute the commands from there.
Make sure to install the Pixar RenderMan before building the USD system so that the
environment variable points to RenderManProServer directory.
Execute this command to build the USD system in your build directory:
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):c:/build" -v "$(echo $env:RMANTREE):c:/prman" usd-build python c:/usd/build_scripts/ --openvdb --openimageio --opencolorio --alembic --hdf5 --prman --prman-location "c:/prman" c:/build/usd
Create a new build directory and execute the commands from there.
Make sure to install the Pixar RenderMan before building the USD system so that the
environment variable points to RenderManProServer directory.
Execute this command from the Powershell console:
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):c:/build" -v "$(echo $env:RMANTREE):c:/prman" usd-build
You may want to run the USD build command manually inside the interactive Powershell:
python c:/usd/build_scripts/ --openvdb --openimageio --opencolorio --alembic --hdf5 --prman --prman-location "c:/prman" c:/build/usd
Build the USD system first.
Make sure to download Maya devkit into your build directory and name it "devkit".
Execute this command to build Maya USD plugin in your build directory:
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):c:/build" -v "c:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2020:c:/maya" usd-build python c:/maya-usd/ -v 3 --maya-location c:/maya --pxrusd-location c:/build/usd --devkit-location c:/build/devkit --install-location c:/build/usdplugin --build-args="-DBUILD_ADSK_PLUGIN=ON" --generator="Visual Studio 16 2019" c:/build/workspace
Build the USD system first.
Make sure to download Maya devkit to your build directory and name it "devkit".
Execute this command from your build directory (USD system should be already built there).
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):C:/build" -v "c:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2020:c:/maya" usd-build
You may want to run the Maya USD plugin build command manually inside the interactive Powershell:
python c:/maya-usd/ -v 3 --maya-location c:/maya --pxrusd-location c:/build/usd --devkit-location c:/build/devkit --install-location c:/build/usdplugin --build-args="-DBUILD_ADSK_PLUGIN=ON" --generator="Visual Studio 16 2019" c:/build/workspace