This is a python script for a page rank algorithm using Spark.
The input is taken from a command line argument. The format of running it is =>
python [input-file] [no. of iterations]
Here is where the spark implementation begins. It collects the pairs of URLS and groups them by the same key.
The pairs are initialized to a weight of '1'.
Now with the no. of iterations read from the CL args, we divide each value to the key it goes and add that up.
There is small implementation to handle spider traps called "damping". in quick words, Spider Traps are dead-ends or infinite loops where the iterations get caught in a repetitive chain or cant iterate to another point or key in the algorithm. For this we've assumed the constant d. Its normally d=0.85 but I've assumed 0.80. The line of code for this is =>
ranks = urls_joined.reduceByKey(add).mapValues(lambda rank: rank * 0.80 + 0.20)