The Workspace app is a fullstack project that allows coworking space owners to manage their space and users to book a rooms. It is a Ruby on Rails app with a PostgreSQL database for the backend and Rails/Redux for the frontend.
This repository contains the frontend part of the project. The backend part can be found here
The project Kanban board can be found here
The initial state of Kanban board can be found here
Group consists of 4 students: 1 - Alfred Makongoro 2 - Zilola Nazarova 3 - Abdul Wahab Hussain 4 - Javier Hernandez
- User authentication
- User authorization
- User profiles
- User roles
- User bookings
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to run this project you need:
- GitHub account;
- Git installed on your OS;
- VSCode (or another code editor);
- modern browser (supporting HTML5 and CSS3) is highly recommended;
- Ruby installed;
- Ruby on Rails installed;
- Node.js and npm installed.
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
git clone [email protected]:Zilola-Nazarova/workspace-reservation-front-end.git
Install the required packages
npm install
Run the tests using
npm run test
To fully interract with all the features of this application, you will need to use this back-end repo, follow the instruction, then run the app with the command
npm run start
👤 Zilola Nazarova
- GitHub: @Zilola-Nazarova
- LinkedIn: in/NazarovaZi
- Twitter: @NazarovaZi
👤 Alfred Makongoro
- GitHub: @badger-99
- X: @AlfredMkg
- LinkedIn: in/alfredmkg
👤 Abdul Wahab Hussain
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
👤 Javier Hernandez
- GitHub: @wickathou
- LinkedIn: @javierjhm
- Portfolio: @End Design Co.
- Add more tests
- Add time slots to reservations
- Add payment system
- Add additional user roles
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project just star it!
- Original design by Murat Korkmaz on Behance - Vespa - Responsive Redesign
- Microverse
- React Docs
- Redux Docs
This project is MIT licensed.