A kind of port of AppleJuice, to Sprig.
This program can do... this:
A Arduino program for Hack Club's Sprig game console.
Thank you to AppleJuice, this project takes from AppleJuice's information.
You'll need a Pico W(or WH, not H), because this program uses the BLE functions.
Basic usage: Put the Pico in bootloader mode with the BOOTSEL button, wait until the drive appears, Upload the sprigSpamArduino.ino.uf2 file to the Pico. Wait for the sprig screen to display stuff.
W: Select Up
A: N/A
S: Select Down
D: Start/Stop
Build it yourself:
Install this Arduino core: Arduino-Pico core
Select an option with bluetooth.
Notes and random things:
D button for start stop, give credit to KittyCat and HenHen.
Thanks to kieran for very much help with arcade!
Button classes
Better menu
ChromeOS pair spamming.\
Bugs: Fix array later