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Project Skate

SKT - Standalone Kotlin

What is it?

Using Skate, you can edit and run standalone KT files like the following:


import kotlinx.html.*

fun main() = print(createHTML().html {
    body {
        h1 { +"Hello World!" }

Skate does NOT support .kts files (at least yet) due to some complications with their interactions with IntelliJ projects and the embedded Kotlin compiler. If you're interested in helping or extending this, please contact me on the Kotlin Slack channel. My username is josephivie. Alternatively, there's an open issue for discussion on GitHub.

How do I use it?

Grab the installation from the releases and unzip it. You'll probably want to add it to your path, then you can do things like this:

  • skate myFile.kt - Runs the file
  • skate -e myFile.kt - Opens the file as a project in IntelliJ with full completion
  • skate -p myFile.kt - Creates/updates an IntelliJ project for the file without opening it.
  • skate -i myFile.kt - Opens a REPL with your definitions loaded in.

Windows Installation

  • Ensure 'Developer Mode' is enabled in Windows
  • Place the folder where you want it to be
  • Run the installer script as an administrator

REPL Additions

From within the REPL, you can do these things:

  • :q, :quit, exit, exit() - Quits the REPL
  • :dependsOn group:artifact:version - Downloads and includes the dependency, reloading the REPL with it.
  • :import file - Imports another Kotlin file with its dependencies
  • :reload - Reloads the REPL


  • These repositories are included by default:
    • Maven Central
    • JCenter
    • Google
    • Your local Maven .m2 folder

Differences from KScript

  • Creates IntelliJ projects directly; no Gradle sync necessary
  • Fully Windows compatible (in fact, programmed on Windows)
  • Kotlin compiler is embedded; installing Kotlin separately is not necessary.
  • No special Unix support; not build to be used as a script runner.
  • Does not support .kts at all
    • On a side note, I recommend using normal Kotlin files anyways. No need for multiple standards.
    • If you know how to change this such that KTS is supported, please contact me!


Apache 2.0

Please pull anything you'd like from this project into your own. I've learned a lot messing around with these tools.