There are several types of pages planned for the website. The types are:
- blogpost
- project
- archive
- remote
These will be documented with an example in the
folder. Remote pages are not actually displayed, they are used only to refer to other websites; Blogposts are simple pages that contain something we write; projects are intended to document active projects; archive is intended for projects that are no longer maintained by us (and typically explains why/where the data can be found, etc).
To create a new page:
Copy the file _drafts/TYPE-template.html
to _posts
and call it yyyy-mm-dd-title.ext
(year, month, day, title, extension). Extension is normally html or markdown.
Fill out the template as described in that file.
For remote pages, note that the content is used as a description. For all other page types, a click-able post title will appear.