HVAC duct pressure drop, flowrate calculations, and sizing. Uses equal friction method.
Created for college computer methods course using Python 3.5.2. YMMV.
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title, 'A Fictitious Small Office Building'
# in. wg
fan_pressure, 1.000
# lbm/cubic foot
air_density, 0.075
# feet
roughness, 0.0003
# up, nearest, none
rounding, none
# duct fitting entries are a Id number, followed by a fitting type,
# followed by data
# ID Fitting Type Fan-side-ID Flow or Length (CFM or feet)
fitting, 1, Air_Handling_Unit
fitting, 3, Duct , 1 , 50
fitting, 4, Tee , 3
fitting, 5, Duct , 4-main , 20
fitting, 6, Tee , 5
fitting, 7, Duct , 6-main , 80
fitting, 8, Tee , 7
fitting, 9, Elbow , 8-main
fitting, 10, Duct , 9 , 75
fitting, 11, Diffuser , 10 , 125
fitting, 12, Duct , 8-branch , 25
fitting, 13, Diffuser , 12 , 130
fitting, 14, Duct , 6-branch , 80
fitting, 16, Diffuser , 14 , 135
fitting, 17, Duct , 4-branch , 55
fitting, 18, Tee , 17
fitting, 19, Duct , 18-main , 60
fitting, 20, Diffuser , 19 , 150
fitting, 21, Duct , 18-branch , 40
fitting, 22, Elbow , 21
fitting, 23, Duct , 22 , 45
fitting, 24, Diffuser , 23 , 105