small_calendar widget.
small_calendar: "^0.4.0"
import 'package:small_calendar/small_calendar.dart';
- Create new SmallCalendarData (this widget provides data to SmallCalendar-s down the widget tree)
- (Optionally) Create SmallCalendarStyle (to change the looks of SmallCalendar)
- Create SmallCalendarPager (to enable swiping between months)
- In pageBuilder of SmallCalendarPager create a new SmallCalendar
If you wish to display SmallCalendar for only one Month (without the ability to swipe between months), omit the SmallCalendarPager.
new SmallCalendarData(
child: new SmallCalendarStyle(
child: new SmallCalendarPager(
pageBuilder: (BuildContext context, DateTime month) {
return new SmallCalendar(
month: month,
- 1. - weekdayIndicationHeight
- 2. - WeekdayIndicationStyleData/textStyle
- 3. - WeekdayIndicationStyleData/backgroundColor
- 4. - DayStyleData/extendedDayTextStyle
- 5. - DayStyleData/dayTextStyle
- 6. - tick
- 7. - textTickSeparation
- 8. - selectedColor
- 9. - todayColor