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The Campus Chronicle

A website for the UCVTS newspaper club to publish student articles and news.


This website is built using Jekyll, a static site generator. It is hosted on GitHub Pages and the domain is managed with Hostinger. Articles are stored in the markdown format and are rendered using the Liquid templating engine.

Code Structure


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All of the articles are in the _posts folder. Each article is separated into year and edition and named in this way: Each file also has a header which includes important meta data for each article.

layout: post
title:  "The Campus Chronicle: How it Works"
author: [ akash ]
categories: [ Arts and Entertainment ]
image: assets/images/articles_2024/edition_2/image.jpg
tags: [ ]

There are a couple of categories that articles can be sorted into. These include:

  • News
  • Opinion
  • Arts and Entertainment
  • Sports
  • Science

All images used in articles can either be referenced from the assets/images folder or from an external source.

Articles can be formatted using markdown or HTML syntax.


A list of all authors on the site is stored in _config.yml. Each author has a username which is used in the code for the site as well as some metadata.

    name:           Akash Dubey
    avatar:         /assets/images/avatars/akash-avatar.jpg
    role:           Layout Editor
    bio:            "Hi, I am Akash!"
    email:          [email protected]
    school:         AIT
    grade:          Senior

Information can be configured here to show for each author on the site. In addition, the order that these authors are listed in _config.yml will be the order that they are displayed on the author page.

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In addition, each author has their own page in _pages which has all the articles they have written. When a new author is added, a new author-USERNAME.html file must be created for them.

title: "Akash Dubey"
layout: default
permalink: "/author-akash-dubey.html"
{% assign site_author = site.authors.akash %}
{% assign name = "akash" %}
{% include author-content.html %}


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All other pages are stored in the _pages folder. These pages are written in markdown and have a header that includes metadata for the page.

title: "Link Tree"
layout: default
permalink: "/linktree.html"

The permalink is the slug for the page. This is the URL that the page will be accessed at. The layout is the template that the page will use. Default is fine for most pages.

We also have a couple other pages like science.html, sports.html, opinion.html, and news.html. These pages are similar to the home page but filter articles to only show articles in that category.

The other miscellaneous pages are about.html, contact.html,, linktree.html, and These are pretty self-explanatory.


The reusable code components are stored in the _includes folder.

File Name Description
author-content.html An author page with the author's articles
comments.html Disqus comment section
main-big-post.html The first/main article on the home or category pages
main-loop-card.html A card for an article (with image in the background)
main-sticky.html A big post on the home page
main-top-card.html A card for an article (tiny and mostly used on home page)
meta-read-time.html Calculates time to read an article (by length)
search-lunr.html Searching logic and pop up
sidebar-featured.html Sidebar for showing articles on right when listed out
sidebar.html Only on About page
tracking-header.html Google Analytics Tags


To run this locally, delete the Gemfile.lock file if you have it. Download Ruby. Check to see if it's installed ruby -v. If it is, run bundle install. Then run bundle install. Then run bundle exec jekyll serve.

How to add a new article

  1. Create a new markdown file in the _posts folder.
  2. Save the file with the following naming convention:
  3. Save the image in the assets/images folder. Make sure to keep it organized by year and edition.
  4. Add the following header to the markdown file:
    layout: post
    title:  "NAME OF THE ARTICLE"
    author: [ AUTHOR_USERNAME ]
    categories: [ CAREGORY ]
    image: assets/images/IMAGE_PATH
    tags: [ ] <- sticky or featured
  5. Check if the author is in the _config.yml file. If not, add them.
  6. Write the article in markdown or HTML.
  7. If possible, run it locally to check for errors. If not, push it to the repository and check that it builds successfully.

All done! The article should now be live on the site!

Here is a presentation with the same guide.

Here is a tutorial you can follow to add an article:


Here is a video of adding some articles to the site:

adding an article

How to add a new author

  1. Find the list of authors in the _config.yml file.
  2. Add a new author in the following format:
        name:           FULL NAME
        avatar:         /assets/images/avatars/anonymous.jpg
        role:           Member
        bio:            "BIO"
        email:          EMAIL
        school:         SCHOOL
        grade:          GRADE
  3. Create a new author page in the _pages folder. The file should be named author-USERNAME.html.
  4. Add the following header to the markdown file:
    title: "FULL NAME"
    layout: default
    permalink: "/author-full-name.html"
    {% assign site_author = site.authors.username %}
    {% assign name = "username" %}
    {% include author-content.html %}
  5. Check that the author page is working correctly by running the site locally or checking the live site.

Template Repository

This repository is based off of the Mundana Jekyll Theme. It has been heavily customized to fit the needs of the UCVTS newspaper club.


Copyright (C) 2019

Theme designed and developed by Sal, free under MIT license.

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