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From zero to CWL on K8s with Calrissian

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Calrissian session: a Helm template to create a calrissian kubernetes session

Calrissian is a CWL implementation designed to run inside a Kubernetes cluster. Its goal is to be highly efficient and scalable, taking advantage of high capacity clusters to run many steps in parallel.

Calrissian requires a Kubernetes cluster, configured to provision PersistentVolumes with the ReadWriteMany access mode.

This Helm chart deploys and configures:

  • a ReadWriteMany PersistentVolumeClaim
  • configMaps setting:
    • the access to an S3 bucket
    • the access to container registries
  • Roles to create pods and access pod logs
  • RoleBindings to associate the roles to the namespace default service account
  • a Deployment with a pod that includes calrissian and typical development tools (the pod can be attached to a Visual Studio Code session)
  • an optional ServiceAccount
  • a Secret to pull containers from container registries


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} node affinity
image object {"pullPolicy":"Always","repository":"","tag":"latest"} Calrissian container image for running the Calrissian pod
imageCredentials list [{"auth":"bXNhZ2....RVURt","registry":""},{"auth":"ZmFi...mlRTldqZw==","":null}] container registries credentials
imageCredentials[0] object {"auth":"bXNhZ2....RVURt","registry":""} registry is the container registry
imageCredentials[0].auth string "bXNhZ2....RVURt" auth is the base64 auth string (see your ~/.docker/config.json file)
nodeSelector object {"":"processing-node-pool-iride-xl"} specify the node selector for the Calrissian pod and the Calrissian worker pods
podAnnotations object {} optional pod annotations
podSecurityContext object {} additional settings for the pod security context
replicaCount int 1 number of pods, one is usually enough
resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"4","memory":"12Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"4","memory":"8Gi"}} specify the resources for the Calrissian pod
s3 object {"access_key_id":"SC...8Z","bucket_pattern":"s3:\\/\\/ir....tplace\\/.*","enabled":true,"endpoint_url":"","region":"...","secret_access_key":"bf...dc6","signature_version":"s3v4"} use s3, if true, configMaps are mounted to access the S3 bucket
securityContext object {"privileged":true} running with privileged set to true allows running podman in the Calrissian pod
serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"name":"calrissian-sa"} Service account to use
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "calrissian-sa" The name of the service account to use.
storageClass string "openebs-kernel-nfs-scw" ReadWriteMany storage class for Calrissian worker
tolerations list [] tolerations
volumeSize string "10Gi" size of the ReadWriteMany volume for Calrissian executions


  • a kubeconfig file to access a kubernetes cluster
  • an environment variable named KUBECONFIG exporting that config file
  • kubectl and helm installed

Setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable


export KUBECONFIG=~/Downloads/kubeconfig.yaml

A kubernetes namespace for the Calrissian session

Export an environment variable exporting the namespace for the Calrissian session, e.g.:

export NAMESPACE_NAME=calrissian-session

Tip: You can create a namespace with:

kubectl create namespace "$NAMESPACE_NAME"

Install or upgrade a calrissian session

Add the helm repo with:

helm repo add calrissian-session
helm repo update

Deploy the calrissian session with:

helm upgrade --install my-calrissian-session calrissian-session/calrissian-session --namespace "$NAMESPACE_NAME" --create-namespace \
    --set imageCredentials[0] \
    --set imageCredentials[0].auth="aaa....bbbb" \
    --set s3.enabled=true \
    --set s3.access_key_id="cc..dd" \
    --set s3.secret_access_key="ee...ff" \
    --set s3.region=a_region \
    --set s3.endpoint_url= \
    --set s3.signature_version=s3v4

Or create a values.yaml file and then:

helm upgrade --install calrissian-session calrissian-session --namespace "$NAMESPACE_NAME" --values calrissian-session/values.yaml

Access the calrissian session pod in Visual Studio Code

~/.kube/config must be a symbolic link to the $KUBECONFIG file to use the pod with a Visual Studio Code attached to:

rm -f ~/.kube/config
ln -s ~/Downloads/kubeconfig.yaml ~/.kube/config

Visual Studio requirements

Attach the pod to a VS Code session


  1. Connect the kubernetes cluster to VS Code:
    • Open the Command Palette and use Kubernetes: Set Kubeconfig
    • Select Add new Kubeconfig to select a new kubeconfig file OR select a kubeconfig out of the list
  2. Click on the Kubernetes icon
  3. Navigate to the namespace $NAMESPACE (defined above) and right-click it and select "Use Namespace" (you might have to refresh the list of namespaces)
  4. Expand "Workloads" and "Pods"
  5. Right-click the pod named "calrissian-session-nnnn" where nnnn is an uid created by kubernetes and select "Attach Visual Studio Code". This will open a new VS Code window
  6. Monitor the progress on the new Visual Studio Code window

Once ready, proceed with the next step.

Clone Repository

Go to the "Explorer" and select "Clone Repository"

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Select /home as the target repo
  3. Open the cloned repository folder (bottom right question)

Run a CWL Workflow

  1. Open a new terminal
  2. Run the application with:
calrissian --stdout /calrissian/results.json \
           --stderr  /calrissian/app.log \
           --max-ram 16G \
           --max-cores "8" \
           --tmp-outdir-prefix /calrissian/tmp \
           --outdir /calrissian/output \
           --usage-report /calrissian/usage.json \
           app-package.cwl#dnbr \

The expected output is:

INFO calrissian 0.10.0 (cwltool 3.1.20211004060744)
INFO Resolved 'app-package.cwl#dnbr' to 'file:///home/app-package-04/dnbr-sentinel-2-cog/app-package.cwl#dnbr'
INFO [workflow ] starting step node_nbr
INFO [step node_nbr] start
INFO [workflow node_nbr] starting step node_stac_2
INFO [step node_stac_2] start
INFO [step node_stac_2] start
INFO [step node_stac_2] start
INFO [step node_nbr] start
INFO [workflow node_nbr_2] starting step node_stac_3
INFO [step node_stac_3] start
INFO [step node_stac_3] start
INFO [step node_stac_3] start
INFO [workflow ] start
INFO [workflow node_nbr] start
INFO [workflow node_nbr_2] start
INFO [step node_stac_3] completed success
INFO [workflow node_nbr_2] starting step node_subset_2
INFO [step node_subset_2] start
INFO [step node_subset_2] start
INFO [step node_stac_2] completed success
INFO [step node_subset_2] start
INFO [workflow node_nbr] starting step node_subset
INFO [step node_subset] start
INFO [step node_subset] start
INFO [step node_subset] start
INFO [step node_subset] completed success
INFO [workflow node_nbr] starting step node_nbr_2
INFO [step node_nbr_2] start
INFO [step node_subset_2] completed success
INFO [workflow node_nbr_2] starting step node_nbr_3
INFO [step node_nbr_3] start
INFO [step node_nbr_2] completed success
INFO [workflow node_nbr] starting step node_cog_2
INFO [step node_cog_2] start
INFO [step node_nbr_3] completed success
INFO [workflow node_nbr_2] starting step node_cog_3
INFO [step node_cog_3] start
INFO [step node_cog_2] completed success
INFO [workflow node_nbr] completed success
INFO [step node_cog_3] completed success
INFO [workflow node_nbr_2] completed success
INFO [step node_nbr] completed success
INFO [workflow ] starting step node_dnbr
INFO [step node_dnbr] start
INFO [step node_dnbr] completed success
INFO [workflow ] starting step node_cog
INFO [step node_cog] start
INFO [step node_cog] completed success
INFO [workflow ] starting step node_stac
INFO [step node_stac] start
INFO [step node_stac] completed success
INFO [workflow ] completed success
    "stac": {
        "location": "file:///calrissian-output/r30kfi8f",
        "basename": "r30kfi8f",
        "class": "Directory",
        "listing": [
                "class": "File",
                "location": "file:///calrissian-output/r30kfi8f/catalog.json",
                "basename": "catalog.json",
                "checksum": "sha1$a5d1d9821e889aa125778e4f2e14a788ff1512ce",
                "size": 225,
                "path": "/calrissian-output/r30kfi8f/catalog.json"
                "class": "File",
                "location": "file:///calrissian-output/r30kfi8f/dnbr-item.json",
                "basename": "dnbr-item.json",
                "checksum": "sha1$1c0a635ad501c599ab258019d05c7b276515c565",
                "size": 818,
                "path": "/calrissian-output/r30kfi8f/dnbr-item.json"
                "class": "File",
                "location": "file:///calrissian-output/r30kfi8f/dnbr.tif",
                "basename": "dnbr.tif",
                "checksum": "sha1$df335a81cc67198654951d0a0fb98c5b89db67fe",
                "size": 1407480,
                "path": "/calrissian-output/r30kfi8f/dnbr.tif"
        "path": "/calrissian-output/r30kfi8f"
INFO Final process status is success


Uninstall a calrissian session

export NAMESPACE_NAME=calrissian-session
helm uninstall my-calrissian-session --namespace "$NAMESPACE_NAME"