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add firmware imp

Chris Ladd edited this page Oct 11, 2019 · 1 revision

add firmware imp


stack add firmware imp {name} [make=string] [models=string]


Adds a firmware implementation to the stacki database.


  • [name]

    The name of the implementation file to run, without the "imp_" prepended or the extension appended.


  • {make=string}

  • {models=string}

    Zero or more models that this implementation applies to. Multiple models should be specified as a comma separated list. If this is specified, make is also required.


  • stack add firmware imp mellanox_6xxx_7xxx make=mellanox model='m7800, m6036'

    Adds the firmware implementation named mellanox_6xxx_7xxx and sets it to be the one run for make mellanox and models m7800 and m6036.

  • stack add firmware imp mellanox_6xxx_7xxx

    This simply adds the implementation named mellanox_6xxx_7xxx to be tracked by stacki.

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