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Duplicity Cron Runner

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This image includes Duplicity ready to make backups of whatever you need, cron-based.


Because you need to back things up regularly, and Duplicity is one of the best tools available for such a purpose.


Installing every possible Duplicity dependency to support all of its backends inside an Alpine system that is very lightweight by itself, and a little job runner Python script that takes care of converting some environment variables into flexible cron jobs and sending an email report automatically.


Available images

Each of the built-in flavors is separated into a specific docker image:

Check the section bellow to get more info.


Each of the images mentioned above are tagged with :latest, referring to the latest tagged version in git, and :egde, referring to the latest version in the master branch. Each individual git released version is also tagged (e.g. :0.1.0)

Environment variables available

Apart from the [environment variables that Duplicity uses by default][env], you have others specific for this image.


Define the cron schedule to run jobs under such circumstances.

Possibly non-obvious defaults:

  • Daily: 2 AM, from Monday to Saturday
  • Weekly: 1 AM, on Sundays
  • Monthly: 5 AM, 1st day of month

Hours are expressed in UTC.

If you define any of these variables wrongly, your cron might not work!

You can use online tools such as to make it easy.

If you set these values in .env file, don't use quotes:

CRONTAB_15MIN=*/15 * * * *


Only available in the PostgreSQL flavors.

Define a Regular Expression to filter databases that shouldn't be included in the DB dump.

You can use this to avoid getting permission errors when running a backup against a server where you don't control all the databases.

For example, if you don't want to include the databases named DB1 and DB2 you can use:


Or, if you only want to include those databases that start with prod:



Where to store the backup.

Example: ftps://[email protected]/some_dir


Email report sender.


Subject of the email report. You can use these placeholders:

  • {periodicity} will be one of these:
    • 15min
    • hourly
    • daily
    • weekly
    • monthly
  • {result} will be:
    • OK if all worked fine.
    • ERROR if any job failed.
  • {hostname} will be the container's host name, including the domainname (a.k.a. FQDN).

This variable is optional; the default is Backup report: {hostname} - {periodicity} - {result}


Email report recipient. Multiple recipients can be defined as a comma-separated list of emails.


Define a command that needs to be executed.

Check the Dockerfile to see built-in jobs.


Define when to execute the command you defined in the previous section. If you need several values, you can separate them with spaces (example: daily monthly).

Prebuilt flavors provide built-in jobs. You can disable those jobs by setting corresponding JOB_*_WHEN to value never.


healthchecks URL to ping on job success or failure. Supports "start", "success", and "failure" pings. For a job that runs with multiple periodicities, the periodicity can be added to the env var (e.g. JOB_200_DAILY_HEALTHCHECKS_URL or JOB_200_WEEKLY_HEALTHCHECKS_URL) to specify different URLs for each run. Periodicity-specific env vars take precedence over the general one.


uptime-kuma push monitor URL to ping on job success or failure. Supports "up" and "down" pings. Do not include any query parameters in the URL. For a job that runs with multiple periodicities, the periodicity can be added to the env var (e.g. JOB_200_DAILY_UPTIME_KUMA_URL or JOB_200_WEEKLY_UPTIME_KUMA_URL) to specify different URLs for each run. Periodicity-specific env vars take precedence over the general one.


String to let you define options for duplicity.


String that some prebuilt flavors use to add custom options required for that flavor. You should never need to use this variable.


Host used to send the email report.


Port used to send the email report.


If your mail server requires authentication, specify the user account to log in.


If your mail server requires authentication, specify the password for the SMTP_USER.


Force the email client to connect to the server using SLL/TLS. Note that the client will utilize STARTTLS, regardless of this variable, if the server offers STARTTLS.


If enabled, report via SMTP regardless of exit status (this is the default behaviour). Otherwise, only report if one or more jobs failed.


What to back up.

Example: file:///mnt/my_files

By default, SRC is set to /mnt/backup/src/ inside the container. Simply mount any external directory as a volume to /mnt/backup/src/. If you wish to include multiple directories, mount them as subdirectories of /mnt/backup/src/, like...

  - /path/to/data/to/backup1:/mnt/backup/src/foldername1:ro
  - /path/to/data/to/backup2:/mnt/backup/src/foldername2:ro


Define a valid timezone (i.e. Europe/Madrid or America/New_York) to make log hours match your local reality.

This is achieved directly by bundling the tzdata package. Refer to its docs for more info.

Set a custom hostname!

Duplicity checks the host name that it backs up and aborts the process if it detects a mismatch by default.

Docker uses volatile host names, so you better add --hostname (and maybe also --domainname) when running this container to make profit of this feature, or add --allow-source-mismatch to OPTIONS environment variable. Otherwise, you will get errors like:

Fatal Error: Backup source host has changed.
Current hostname: 414e54ed20fb
Previous hostname: 6529bba0969c

Aborting because you may have accidentally tried to backup two different
data sets to the same remote location, or using the same archive directory.
If this is not a mistake, use the --allow-source-mismatch switch to avoid
seeing this message

Pre and post scripts

Add jobs through environment variable pairs. The order will be followed.

Using Duplicity

Refer to Duplicity man page, or execute:

docker run -it --rm duplicity --help


You can use these bundled binaries to work faster:

  • dup: Executes duplicity prefixed with the options defined in $OPTIONS and $OPTIONS_EXTRA (see above).
  • backup: Executes an immediate backup with default options.
  • restore: Restores immediately with default options. Most likely, you will need to use it with --force.
  • /etc/periodic/daily/jobrunner: execute immediately all jobs scheduled for daily backups. Change daily for other periodicity if you want to run those instead.

Testing your configuration

If you want to test how do your daily jobs work, just run:

docker exec -it your_backup_container /etc/periodic/daily/jobrunner

Replace daily by any other periodicity to test it too.

Prebuilt flavors

Sometimes you need more than just copying a file here, pasting it there. That's why we supply some special flavours of this image.

Normal (docker-duplicity)

This includes just the most basic packages to boot the cron and use Duplicity with any backend. All other images are built on top of this one, so downloading several flavours won't repeat the abse layers (disk-friendly!).

It's preconfigured to backup daily:

# Incremental backup of all files

PostgreSQL (docker-duplicity-postgres)

If you want to back up a PostgreSQL server, make sure you run this image in a fashion similar to this docker-compose.yaml definition:

    image: postgres:9.6-alpine
      POSTGRES_USER: myuser
      POSTGRES_DB: mydb
    hostname: my.postgres.backup
      # Postgres connection
      PGHOST: db # This is the default
      PGPASSWORD: mypass
      PGUSER: myuser

      # Additional configurations for Duplicity
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: example amazon s3 access key
      AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: example amazon s3 secret key
      DST: boto3+s3://mybucket/myfolder
      EMAIL_FROM: [email protected]
      EMAIL_TO: [email protected]
      OPTIONS: --s3-european-buckets --s3-use-new-style
      PASSPHRASE: example backkup encryption secret

It will make dumps automatically:

# Makes postgres dumps for all databases except to templates and "postgres".
# They are uploaded by JOB_300_WHEN
JOB_200_WHEN=daily weekly

Docker (docker-duplicity-docker)

Imagine you need to run some command in another container to generate a backup file before actually backing it up in a remote place.

If this is your case, you can use this version, which includes a prepackaged Docker client.

See this docker-compose.yaml example, where we back up a Gitlab server using its crappy official image:

    image: gitlab/gitlab-ce
    hostname: gitlab
        # Your Gitlab configuration here
      - "22:22"
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - config:/etc/gitlab:z
      - data:/var/opt/gitlab:z
      - logs:/var/log/gitlab:z
    hostname: backup
    privileged: true # To speak with host's docker socket
      - config:/mnt/backup/src/config
      - data:/mnt/backup/src/data
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      # Generate Gitlab backup before uploading it
      JOB_200_WHAT: docker exec projectname_gitlab_1 gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create
      JOB_200_WHEN: daily weekly

      # Additional configurations for Duplicity
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: example amazon s3 access key
      AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: example amazon s3 secret key
      DST: boto3+s3://mybucket/myfolder
      EMAIL_FROM: [email protected]
      EMAIL_TO: [email protected]
      OPTIONS: --s3-european-buckets --s3-use-new-style
      PASSPHRASE: example backup encryption secret

Amazon S3 (*-s3)

Any of the other flavors has a special variant suffixed with -s3. It provides some opinionated defaults to make good use of S3 different storage types and its lifecycle rules and filters, assuming you want to have weekly full backups. You should combine it with lifecycle and expiration rules at your will.

# Full backup of all files

Note, that for DST variable you should use boto3+s3://bucket_name[/prefix] style.

Multi (*-multi)

At the moment only "postgres" has this flavor. It extends from 'postgres-s3' and provides some defaults to make good use of "DST_{N}" env. variables. and uses the extra options according to destination.

In this mode the $DST is set to multi. This enables the use of $DST_{N} and $DST_{N}_{ENV_VAR_NAME}.

$DST_{N}_{ENV_VAR_NAME} will be process as ${ENV_VAR_NAME}.

For example:

      DST_1: scp://[email protected]//usr/backup
      DST_2: boto3+s3://mybucket/myfolder
      DST_2_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: example amazon s3 access key
      DST_2_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: example amazon s3 secret key
      DST_3: rsync://[email protected]:8022//volume1/folder/
      DST_3_RSYNC_PASSWORD: the password to use with rsync

The restore process uses the first destination defined.


All the dependencies you need to develop this project (apart from Docker itself) are managed with poetry.

To set up your development environment, run:

pip install pipx  # If you don't have pipx installed
pipx install poetry  # Install poetry itself
poetry install  # Install the python dependencies and setup the development environment


To run the tests locally, add --prebuild to autobuild the image before testing:

poetry run pytest --prebuild

By default, the image that the tests use (and optionally prebuild) is named test:docker-duplicity. If you prefer, you can build it separately before testing, and remove the --prebuild flag, to run the tests with that image you built:

docker image build -t test:docker-duplicity .
poetry run pytest

If you want to use a different image, pass the --image command line argument with the name you want:

# To build it automatically
poetry run pytest --prebuild --image my_custom_image

# To prebuild it separately
docker image build -t my_custom_image .
poetry run pytest --image my_custom_image

Managing packages

The poetry project configuration (in the pyproject.toml file) includes a section which contains the duplicity dependencies themselves. This allows us to manage those more easily and avoid future conflicts. Those are then exported into a requirements.txt file in the docker image build phase.

So, if you need to add a new duplicity dependency to be used inside the container, the correct process would be:

  1. Add the dependency to the poetry project with:

    poetry add --optional MY_NEW_PACKAGE

    Note that it should be marked as an optional dependency, as it will not be used in general development outside the container.

  2. The new optional dependency should then be added to the duplicity list in the [tool.poetry.extras] section of pyproject.toml

    duplicity = ["b2", "b2sdk", "boto", "boto3", "gdata", "jottalib", "paramiko", "pexpect", "PyDrive", "pyrax", "python", "requests", "duplicity", "dropbox", "python", "mediafire", "MY_NEW_PACKAGE"]