The Twitter bot that powers the hashtag #TechIsHiring by liking and retweeting any tweet containing the hashtag.
- Node.js
- TypeScript
- Twitter-api-v2
- dotenv
You can install all dependencies for this app by running the command:
npm ci
As a TypeScript app, you'll need to first build the application before running it. You can build the application by running the command:
npm run build
You will need to configure Twitter API Keys from a Twitter Developer account to run this app. You will need to create a config.env
file and update config.ts
to point to it.
The config.env must contain:
API_KEY=*Your API Key*
API_SECRET_KEY=*Your API Secret Key*
ACCESS_TOKEN=*Your Access Token*
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=*Your Access Token Secret*
BEARER_TOKEN=*Your Bearer Token*
Once completed, you can start the app by running the command:
npm start