This is the Enterprise Planning Resource(ERP) for GS1Kenya. It gives access and allows the company to manipulate some of its modules search as ACCOUNTS, Human Resource Module, Customer Resource Module and Legal Module.
If you want to run the project locally on your machine.
You need to have at least python3.7 already installed or go to python and install.
Follow the following instructions to install.
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Create a database called
- Run project Dependencies
(venv)$: pip install -r requirements.txt
(venv)$: python migrate
- Django - The web framework used
- python language - Dependency Management
- Omambia Dauglous
This project is licensed under the MIT License
- My spirit towards code
- Joseph Oloo Otieno (kwach)
- GS1Kenya
- csdigital