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A plugin shows tasks of project in progress
Requires MCDReforged >= 2.1.3
stext is no longer required. MCDeamon and MCDReforged 1.x and earlier is no longer supported
!!task help
Show help message
!!task overview
Show task overview (also the default behavior of !!task
!!task list
Show task list
!!task detail <task>
Show task detail
!!task list-all <task>
Show all tasks and sub-tasks
!!task add <task> [<description>]
Add a task
!!task remove
/del <task>
Remove a task
!!task rename <old task> <new task>
Rename a task
!!task change <task> <new description>
Edit a task description
!!task done <task>
Mark task as done
!!task undone <task>
Mark task as undone
!!task deadline <task> <period: day>
Set or clear deadline for the task
!!task player <task>
Show player task list
!!task res[ponsible] <task> <player>
Set responsibles for this task
!!task unres[ponsible] <task> <player>
Remove responsibles from this task
PS: All the <task>
above can be replaced by <task>.<sub-task>
to access sub-task
e.g. !!task add Witch_Hut.Floor AFK black glass placement