This is a small test project to get accustomed to building UIs with Compose by visualising different fractals.
- Sierpinksi
- filled draw mode for sierpinski carpet
- koch fraktal
- angle reset for koch curve
- visualise koch snowflake
- add secondary condition for end of recursion to minimise lag when selecting high iteration depth
- add fill mode to curve and snowflake
- anti koch curve and snowflake
- fix auto sizing issue of koch curve in 'landscape mode'
- allow angles of [0, 180] (inclusive)
- basic navigation
- ant fraktal
- ant move correctly
- add scaling for ants
- optimise drawing procedure
- allow user to add / remove ants to starting board
- different colored ants
- pythagoras tree
- add navigation entry
- add basic pythagoras tree
- make segment size adjustable
- make angle adjustable
- add optional realistic color mode
- dragon curve
- hilbert curve
- Penta Plexity