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SAIL Databank Logo

Concept Library

The concept library is a system for storing, managing, sharing, and documenting clinical code lists in health research.

The specific goals of this work are:

  • Store code lists along with metadata that captures important information about quality, author, etc.
  • Store version history and provide a way to unambiguously reference a particular version of a code list.
  • Allow programmatic interaction with code lists via an API, so that they can be directly used in queries, statistical scripts, etc.
  • Provide a mechanism for sharing code lists between projects and organizations.

You can learn more about us here:


Our goal is to create a system that describes research study designs in a machine-readable format to facilitate rapid study development; higher quality research; easier replication; and sharing of methods between researchers, institutions, and countries.


A significant aspect of research using routinely collected health records is defining how concepts of interest (including conditions, treatments, symptoms, etc.) will be measured. This typically involves identifying sets of clinical codes that map to a variable that the researcher wants to measure, and sometimes a set of rules as well (e.g. a sufferer from a disease may be defined as someone who has a diagnosis code from list A and a medication from list B, but excluding anyone who has a code from list C). A large part of the analysis work may involve consulting clinicians, investigating the data, and creating and testing definitions of clinical concepts to be used.

Often the definitions that are created are of interest to researchers for many studies, but there are barriers to easily sharing them. The definitions may be embedded within study-specific scripts, such that it is not easy to extract the part that may be of general interest. Also, often researchers do not fully document how a concept was created, its precise meaning, limitations, etc. Crucial information may be lost when passing it to other researchers, resulting in mistakes. Often there simply is no mechanism to discover and share work that has been done previously, leading researchers to waste time and resources reinventing the wheel. In theory, when research is published, information on the precise methods used should be included, but in reality this is often inadequate.

Table of contents

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Setup with Docker
    2.1. Prerequisites
        2.1.1. Docker
        2.1.2. Running on Apple
    2.2. Database Setup
        2.2.1. Restore from Local Backup
        2.2.2. Restore from Git Repository
        2.2.3. Migration only
    2.3. Development
        2.3.1. Docker Compose Files
        2.3.2. Initial Build
        2.3.3. Stopping and Starting the Containers
        2.3.4. Live Working
        2.3.5. Removing the Containers
        2.3.6. Local Pre-production Builds
        2.3.7. Impact of Environment Variables
    2.4. Accessing and Exporting the Database
        2.4.1. Access/Export with PGAdmin4
        2.4.2. Access/Export with CLI
    2.5. Debugging and Running Tests
        2.5.1. Django Logging
        2.5.2. Debug Tools in Visual Studio Code
        2.5.3. Running Tests
    2.6. Setting up VSCode Tasks
        2.6.1. Basics
        2.6.2. Debug Build Tasks
        2.6.3. Test Build Tasks
        2.6.4. How to Handle Cleaning
    2.7. Creating a Superuser
  3. Setup without Docker
    3.1. Prerequisites
    3.2. Installing
        3.2.1. Cloning the Concept Library
        3.2.2. Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
        3.2.3. Database set up
        3.2.4. Installing LDAP functionality
        3.2.5. Administration area
    3.3. Using Eclipse
    3.4. Running Tests
  4. Deployment
    4.1. Deploy Scripts
        4.1.1. Manual Deployment
        4.1.2. Automated Deployment
    4.2. Harbor-driven CI/CD Pipeline
  5. API and Packages
    5.1. Clients
        5.1.1. What are Clients?
        5.1.2. Available Packages
    5.2. API

1. Clone this Repository

To download this repository:

  1. Ensure that you have installed Git (e.g. Git for Windows).
  2. Open a terminal
  3. Navigate to the folder you want to clone this repository into
  4. Run the command:
    git clone

2. Setup with Docker

2.1. Prerequisites

2.1.1. Docker

Please ensure that you have installed Docker Desktop v4.10.1 or Docker Engine v20.10.17.

If you encounter any issues, please see Docker's documentation (

2.1.2. Running on Apple

The app container requires emulation for ARM CPUs, please install Rosetta 2:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Run: softwareupdate --install-rosetta

2.2. Database setup

2.2.1. Restore from Local Backup

[!] Note: Do not share the backup files with anyone

To restore from a local backup:

  1. Navigate to the concept-library/docker/development folder
  2. Place a .backup file inside of the db folder
  3. Skip to 2.3. Development

2.2.2. Restore from Git Repository

[!] Note: Do not share these files with anyone

[!] Note: The initial run of the application may take a while if you are using this method, however, subsequent builds will be faster as the backup is saved locally in the concept-library/docker/development/db/ folder

To restore from a Git repository:

  1. Create a personal access token on GitHub (, ensure it grants access to private repositories
  2. Navigate to the concept-library/docker/development/ folder
  3. Duplicate the example.git.token inside of development/db/
  4. Rename the duplicated file to git.token
  5. Delete the contents of the file and paste your personal access token
  6. Open the postgres.compose.env file inside of the docker/development/env folder
  7. Ensure that the environment variable POSTGRES_RESTORE_REPO is set to the correct GitHub repository where your .backup file is stored
  8. Skip to 2.3. Development

2.2.3. Migration only

If you do not have a backup available the application will still run successfully as migrations are automatically applied, however, no data will be restored. Please skip to 2.3. Development.

With an empty database, you will need to run statistics manually for the application to work correctly:

  1. After following the steps to start the application in 2.3. Development
  2. Navigate to

2.3. Development

2.3.1. Docker Compose Files

Within the concept-library/docker/ directory you will find the following docker-compose files:

    • This is the development docker container used to iterate on the Concept Library.
    • After building, the application can be located at
  2. docker-compose.test.yaml
    • This compose file builds an environment that better reflects the production environment, serving the application via Apache, and includes adjunct services like Redis, Celery and Mailhog.
    • It is recommended for use when developing the Docker images, or as a pre-production test when modifying build behaviour such as offline compression.
    • After building, the application can be located at http://localhost:8005
    • This compose file builds the production container.
    • It is used for both manual and automated deployment via CI/CD workflows
    • After building, the application can be located at where some-demo-app describes the development sub-domain

2.3.2. Initial Build

To perform the initial build and run of the application:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Navgiate to the concept-library/docker/ folder
  3. In the terminal, run docker-compose -p cll -f up --build (append -d as an argument to run in background)

The application and database will be available at:

  • Application:
  • Database:

2.3.3. Stopping and Starting the Containers

To stop the docker container:

  1. If you have a terminal open which is running the docker containers, press CTRL + C or CTRL + Z to stop the containers
  2. If you do not have a terminal open which is running the containers:
    a. Open a terminal
    b. Navigate to the concept-library/docker/ folder
    c. In the terminal, run docker-compose -p cll -f down

To start the docker container (if it has already been built and has stopped for any reason):

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Navigate to the concept-library/docker/ folder
  3. In the terminal, run docker-compose -p cll -f start

2.3.4. Live Working

Whilst working on the codebase, any changes should be automatically applied to the codebase stored in the app container after saving the file.

If you make any changes to the models you will need to:

  1. Stop and start the containers again with docker-compose -p cll -f up --build, the migrations will be automatically applied
  2. OR; execute the migration code from within the app container (see:

2.3.5. Removing the Containers

To remove the containers:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Navigate to the concept-library/docker/ folder
  3. In the terminal, run:
    a. docker compose down: removes networks and containers.
    b. OR; docker-compose -p cll -f down --rmi all -v: removes networks, containers, images and volumes.
    c. OR; to prune your docker, enter docker system prune -a

2.3.6. Local Pre-production Builds

[!] Note:
To test the transpiling, minification or compression steps, OR; if you have made changes to the Docker container or its images it is recommended that you run a local, pre-production build


The test docker compose has several profiles that can be used to set up your environment:

  1. live - this starts both the celery and mailhog services
  2. email - this starts the mailhog service only

Running the Container

[!] Note: If you do not want to start the celery services you can remove the "--profile live" argument

To build a local, pre-production build:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Follow the steps above if you have not already built the images
  3. Navigate to the concept-library/docker/ folder
  4. Set up the environment variables within ./test/app.compose.env
  5. In the terminal, run docker build -f test/app.Dockerfile -t cll/app --build-arg server_name=localhost ..
  6. Once the image is built, run docker tag cll/app cll/celery_beat; docker tag cll/app cll/celery_worker
  7. Finally, run docker-compose -p cll -f docker-compose.test.yaml --profile live up (append -d as an argument to run in background)
  8. Open a browser and navigate to localhost:8005 to access the application

Using Mailhog

[!] Note: To use the mailhog service, you will have to run --profile live or --profile email

If you would like to learn more about Mailhog, please visit this site. Otherwise, to start Mailhog:

  1. Start the container as described above
  2. Head to http://localhost:8025
  3. Any outgoing emails sent from the application will be visible here

2.3.7. Impact of Environment Variables

[!] Note:
To modify the environment variables, please navigate to ./docker/test/app.compose.env (or the appropriate folder for the container you are building)

Impact on Application Behaviour

Some environment variables modify the behaviour of the application.

The following are important to consider when modifying app.compose.env:

  • DEBUG → When this flag is set to True:
    • The application will expect a Redis service to be running for use as the cache backend, otherwise it will use a DummyCache
    • The application will enable the compressor and precompilers, otherwise this will not take place (aside from HTML Minification)
  • IS_DEVELOPMENT_PC → When this flag is set to False:
    • The application will use both LDAP and User model authentication, otherwise only the latter will be used
    • The application will use a different logging backend - please see for more information

Impact on Building

Some environment variables modify the behaviour of the container when building, you should be aware of this behaviour when building and docker-compose.test.yaml - this behaviour is mostly defined within

The following are important to consider when modifying app.compose.env:

  • IS_DEVELOPMENT_PC → When this flag is set to True:
    • The application and celery services will await the postgres service to initialise before continuing
  • CLL_READ_ONLY → When this flag is set to False:
    • The application will not run the makemigrations and migrate commands on startup
  • DEBUG → This flag determines static collection behaviour:
    • If set to True it will compile, transpile and compress static resources
    • If set to False it will only collect the static resources

Other Variables

To learn about the impact of the other environment variables, please open and examine ./cll/

2.4. Accessing and Exporting the Database

[!] Note:
If you have made changes to the environment variables in the file you will need to match those changes when connecting through the CLI or PGAdmin4

2.4.1. Access/Export with PGAdmin4

To access the database

Please ensure you have installed PGAdmin4 and then:

  1. Open PGAdmin4
  2. Right-click the Servers object in the browser and click Register > Server...
  3. In the General tab, enter a name for the server, e.g. docker-concept-library
  4. In the Connection tab, enter:
    • Host:
    • Port: 5432
    • Username: clluser
    • Password: password
  5. Click save, the connection should now be visible in the browser

To export the database

  1. Ensure the Docker container is running
  2. Open PGAdmin4
  3. Connect to the docker-concept-library server
  4. Right click the concept_library database and click Backup...
  5. In the filename input field, enter the directory and name to save the backup file as. Ensure you save the file as a .backup
  6. Click the Backup button

2.4.2. Access/Export with CLI

To access the database

[!] Note: The query will fail to retrieve results if you forget the semicolon, ;, at the end of the query

  1. Open a terminal
  2. In the terminal, run: docker exec -it cll-postgres-1 /bin/bash
  3. Query the database:
    a. Initiate an active session with psql -U clluser concept_library and then run queries directly, e.g. SELECT * FROM CLINICALCODE_PHENOTYPES LIMIT 1;
    b. OR; run a query directly with psql -U clluser -d concept_library 'SELECT * FROM CLINICALCODE_PHENOTYPES LIMIT 1;'

To export the database

  1. Open a terminal
  2. In the terminal, run: docker exec -it cll-postgres-1 /bin/bash
  3. Replace [filename] with the file name desired and run:
    pg_dump -U postgres -F c concept_library > [filename].backup

2.5. Debugging and Running Tests

2.5.1. Django Logging

Django logging is enabled by default, you can view the logs in the terminal used to start the docker container.

To disable the verbose logging:

  1. In set tty: false under the app service
  2. In set DEBUG: false under the environment section of the app service

2.5.2. Debug Tools in Visual Studio Code

Before continuing, open the file and ensure the DEBUG_TOOLS variable in the app container definition is set to true.

Create a run configuration for the project:

  1. Create a new folder and name it .vscode
  2. Create a new file within that folder and name it launch.json
  3. Paste the json below into the new file and then save the file
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Debug Application",
      "type": "python",
      "request": "attach",
      "pathMappings": [
          "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/CodeListLibrary_project",
          "remoteRoot": "/var/www/CodeListLibrary_project"
      "port": 8000,
      "host": ""

Now you're ready to start debugging:

  1. Build the container docker-compose -p cll -f up --build and ensure it is running
  2. Add a breakpoint to the file that you are debugging
  3. In Visual Studio Code, open the Run and Debug Menu by clicking the icon on the left-hand side of the screen or using the hotkey CTRL + SHIFT + D
  4. At the top of the debug menu, select the Debug Application option
  5. Press the run button and start debugging

Variables, Watch and Callstack can all be viewed in the Run and Debug menu panel and the console can be viewed in the Debug Console (hotkey: CTRL + SHIFT + Y) window.

2.5.3. Running Tests

[!] Todo: Needs documentation once we implement & finalise new test suite


2.6. Setting up VSCode Tasks

2.6.1. Basics

[!] Note: You can learn more about using external tools and VSCode's Tasks system here

Set up

To start using tasks:

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Navigate to the root of the concept-library project
  3. Create a new .vscode directory within the project folder by running: mkdir .vscode
  4. Navigate into this directory by running: cd .vscode
  5. Create a new tasks.json file by running: touch tasks.json

Basic File Configuration

After opening the tasks.json file, you should configure the contents so it looks like this:

  "version": "2.0.0",
  "tasks": []

2.6.2. Debug Build Tasks

[!] Note: You can learn about the available options for tasks here

To set up your first debug task, configure your tasks.json file such that:

  "version": "2.0.0",
  "tasks": [
      "label": "Build Debug",
      "detail": "Builds the development container",
      "type": "shell",
      "command": "docker-compose -p cll -f up --build",
      "options": {
        "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/docker/"
      "group": {
        "kind": "build",
        "isDefault": true
      "presentation": {
        "reveal": "always",
        "panel": "new",
        "focus": false

2.6.3. Test Build Tasks

To set up a task for the docker-compose.test.yaml container, you append the following to the "tasks": [] property:

  "label": "Build Test",
  "detail": "Builds the test container",
  "type": "shell",
  "command": "docker build -f test/app.Dockerfile -t cll/app --build-arg server_name=localhost ..; docker tag cll/app cll/celery_beat; docker tag cll/app cll/celery_worker; docker-compose -p cll -f docker-compose.test.yaml up",
  "options": {
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/docker/"
  "group": {
    "kind": "test"
  "presentation": {
    "reveal": "always",
    "panel": "new",
    "focus": false

2.6.4. How to Handle Cleaning

[!] Note: There will be some differences between Windows and other operating systems. The example below is set up to use PowerShell logical operators. On a Linux-based OS, you would need to use the '&&' and '||' operators instead of '-and' and '-or'

If you set up both the debug and test builds you will note that the docker container isn't cleaned between different tasks. It is possible to set up your tasks such that the containers will be cleaned.

To set this up, you would need to append the following cleaning task to your tasks property:

  "label": "Clean Containers",
  "detail": "Cleans all cll related containers",
  "type": "shell",
  "command": "(docker ps -q --filter 'name=cll') -and (docker rm $(docker stop $(docker ps -q -f 'name=cll' -f 'name=redis'))) -or (echo 'Nothing to clean')",
  "options": {
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/docker/"
  "group": {
    "kind": "build"
  "presentation": {
    "reveal": "never",
    "panel": "shared"
  "problemMatcher": []

Using Compound Tasks, you can modify your Build Debug and Build Test tasks to clean before starting by adding the dependsOn property. In the case of the Build Debug task, it would look like this:

  "label": "Build Debug",
  "detail": "Builds the development container",
  "type": "shell",
  "command": "docker-compose -p cll -f up --build",
  "options": {
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/docker/"
  "group": {
    "kind": "build",
    "isDefault": true
  "presentation": {
    "reveal": "always",
    "panel": "new",
    "focus": false
  "dependsOn": ["Clean Containers"]

2.7. Creating a Superuser

To create a superuser:

  1. Ensure the docker container is running and open a new terminal
  2. Run docker exec -it cll-app-1 /bin/bash (see below if this doesn't work)
  3. Navigate to the CodeListLibrary_project directory by running: cd /var/www/CodeListLibrary_project
  4. Run python createsuperuser and follow the instructions in the terminal to create the user
  5. Verify that the user was created properly by navigating to the website and logging in with the credentials entered

If you you are unable to exec into cll-app-1:

  1. Run docker ps -a in the terminal
  2. Look for the Concept Library's app container and copy its CONTAINER ID
  3. Run the same command using the CONTAINER ID, e.g. docker exec -it 82508ae4ef /bin/bash
  4. Continue with Step (3) above

3. Setup without Docker

[!] Note: Unlike 2. Setup with Docker, this method of setting up and using the Concept Library is not recommended. Containerisation is a much more suitable method if you intend to develop or host the Concept Library application.
If you decide to continue, please note that we would not be able to offer advice outside of what is detailed below - please take this into consideration when deciding which method you would like to use.

3.1. Prerequisites

Please ensure that you have the following installed:

  1. Python 3.9
  2. Pip
  3. MSVC C++ Build Tools
  4. PostgreSQL 14.4
  5. PGAdmin4

3.2. Installing

3.2.1 Cloning the Concept Library

To clone the repository:

  1. Open the terminal
  2. Navigate to an appropriate directory
  3. Run the following command: git clone
  4. Checkout the branch you would like to work on, e.g. run the following to work on Master: git checkout master

3.2.2 Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper

This will provide a dedicated environment for each project you create. It is considered best practice and will save time when you’re ready to deploy your project.

  1. Open the terminal
  2. Run the following command: pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
  3. Now navigate to the directory to where you have downloaded the project e.g. cd C:/Dev/concept-library
  4. To create a virtualenv you should run the following command: mkvirtualenv cclproject
  5. To work on this environment, run: workon cclproject
  6. To install the required packages, run the following command: pip install -r docker/requirements/local.txt
  7. To stop working on this environment, run: deactivate cclproject

3.2.3 Database set up

[!] Note: Please note the following if you are a Concept Library Developer:
To retrieve a database backup, follow some of the steps in 2.2.2. Restore from Git Repository and download the db.backup file - this can be used to restore the Postgres db during the following steps.

  1. Install Postgres and PGAdmin on your device.
  2. Within PGAdmin3, do the following:
    • Create a role called clluser
    • Create a database called code_list_library
    • Create a read-only role
  3. When running the application it may complain that you have unapplied migrations; your app may not work properly until they are applied. To do this:
    • Navigate to concept-library/CodeListLibrary_project/cll
    • Run: python makemigrations
    • Finally, run: python migrate
  4. To run the application:
    • Navigate to concept-library/CodeListLibrary_project/cll
    • Run the following: python runserver
  5. You can now access the server on
  6. To stop the server, press CTRL + C or CTRL + Z within the terminal

3.2.4 Installing LDAP functionality

For Windows machines:

  • You will need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python. This can be found here
  • Download the python_ldap wheel, located here
  • Once downloaded, activate your virtualenv and run the following pip install path/to/the/file/python_ldap.whl
  • Once installed, you can run the pip install django-auth-ldap command. See LDAP installation reference here
  • If you intend to use LDAP over SSL, please take a look at the troubleshooting guide found here

3.2.5 Administration area

When you first start the application there will be no users within your database. You will first need to create a superuser account in order to access the administration site.

  1. Open the terminal and run the following: python createsuperuser
  2. Fill in the desired username, email and password
  3. When the development server is running you can access the admin section by going to the following url:

3.3. Using Eclipse

Seting up the Application with Eclipse

  1. Navigate to the File button within Eclipse's toolbar, then select Open projects from file system
  2. Browse to the Concept Library folder, e.g. C:/Dev/concept-library
  3. Assuming you have followed the previous steps to create a virtual env, you will need to point Eclipse's python interpreter to the virtual env:
    • Select the Window button within your toolbar and open Preferences
    • Select PyDev -> Interpreters -> Python Interpreter and select New
    • Follow the interpreter wizard (e.g. enter the name), then browse to the Python executable (as set in your system environment %PATH% variable)
    • Select each of the folders you want added to your python path
    • Right click the Concept Library project and select Debug as... and choose the python development interpreter
  4. You should now see that the server is live at

3.4. Running Tests

[!] Todo: Needs documentation once we implement & finalise new test suite


4. Deployment

4.1. Deploy Scripts

4.1.1. Manual Deployment

[!] Note: These instructions only pertain to feature branches which are not covered by the CI/CD workflow

Feature branch deployment with

This script can be used to manually deploy feature branches on the server. Please note that you will have to either (a) modify the script to use the appropriate directories and settings, or (b) pass arguments to the script to ensure it runs correctly.

Optional arguments for this script include:

Command Shorthand Default value Description
--file-path -fp /root/deploy_DEV_DEMO_DT Determines the root path of your environment variable text file (see below)
--foreground -fg false Whether the containers will be built in the foreground
--no-pull -nd true Whether to pull the branch from the Git repository
--no-clean -nc true Whether to clean unused docker containers/images/networks/volumes/build caches
--env -e env_vars.txt Name of the environment variables text file
--file -f Name of the docker-compose file you would like to deploy
--name -n cllro_dev Name of the docker container
--repo -r Repo Github repository you would like to pull from
--branch -b DFTM Repo's branch you would like to pull from
--profile -p live Name of the docker profile to execute

Setting up your environment variables

[!] Note: This file should be present within the $RootPath as described above (modified by passing -fp [path] to the deployment script)

This process should be automatic assuming you have ensured that you have an env-vars.txt file in your server's directory. The name of this file usually includes a suffix to describe the server's status, e.g. -FA for full-access servers or -RO for read-only servers.

During manual deployment, the file will be copied and renamed to env_vars.txt for use by within ./concept-library/CodeListLibrary_project/docker/ after the repository is cloned by the script.

To deploy manually

  1. SSH into the server
  2. Skip this step if you have already created the within this server:
    • Please clone the Github repository and copy/move it into a directory of your choosing (in this case, we will assume it's within /root/)
  3. Ensure the script has the appropriate permissions
  4. Within your terminal, run the following: /root/
    • Apply any parameters you would like to add e.g. /root/ --repo Dynamic-Template-Feature-Master
    • OR; simply edit the variables within the script
  5. Await the successful build
  6. You should now be able to visit the site on the appropriate domain

4.1.2. Automated Deployment

[!] Todo: Needs documentation once we move from Gitlab CI/CD -> Harbor

Pipeline information


Related files

[!] Note: The env_file has to (1) be in the same directory as the compose file and (2) be set within the file

[!] Note: /root/ in this case describes the the directory of your choosing

If not already present on the machine, please ensure that the following files are within the root directory:

  1. Copy ./docker/production/scripts/ to /root/
  2. Copy ./docker/ to /root/

If you wish, you can now edit the to set up any variables that may differ from the other servers. Please see the table below for more information regarding variables and commands that can be passed to

Environment Variables

You need to ensure that there is an env_vars.txt within the same directory as the /root/ directory where your is found.

Site Deployment Arguments

Optional parameters for the script include:

Command Shorthand Default value Description
--file-path -fp /root/deploy_DEV_DEMO_DT Determines the root path of where the file lives
--foreground -fg false Whether the containers will be built in the foreground
--no-clean -nc true Whether to clean unused docker containers/images/networks/volumes/build caches
--address -a Harbor registry URL Determines the registry we will try to pull the images from
--file -f Name of the docker-compose file you would like to deploy
--profile -p live Name of the docker profile to execute

What to do when automated deployment is disabled

[!] Todo: Needs updating after moving to automated, Harbor-driven CI/CD pipeline

Images will be automatically built via Gitlab CI/CD from the master branch when a merge is committed. These images can be pulled using the script as described in 4.1.2. Automated Deployment.

When automated deployment is disabled, which may be the case for certain servers, you can still deploy the images being built by the CI/CD pipeline.

To do so manually, please do the following:

  1. Open the terminal and SSH into the server
  2. cd to the /root/ directory of the server you are deploying (e.g. /root/deploy_DEV_DEMO_DT)
  3. Copy the ./docker/production/scripts/ and ./docker/ files to this directory (you can do this by pulling them from the Github repository)
  4. Ensure you have a .txt file named env_vars.txt within the same directory as these files
  5. Ensure you are logged in, e.g. docker login {details} - if you are SSHing into a live server, this step will have already been completed by our config(s)
  6. Run the following command ./root/{directory}/ --address {registry_address} where the {registry_address} describes the address where the Gitlab images are uploaded (check out .gitlab-ci.yml for more information)

4.2. Harbor-driven CI/CD Pipeline

[!] Todo: Needs documentation once we move from Gitlab CI/CD -> Harbor and have set up automated deployment


5. API and Packages

5.1. Clients

5.1.1 What are Clients?

We maintain client packages that can be used to interface with the Concept Library. These packages are intended to make it easier for you to get started using the Concept Library, they implement several features to reduce your technical burden, such as allowing you to submit Phenotypes using a human-readable YAML template.

Under the hood, these packages call our API endpoints - you can read more about these in 5.2. API. However, we anticipate that beginners may feel more comfortable using one of the following packages.

5.1.2 Available Packages

  1. Concept Library Client - an implementation of the API client for the Concept Library in R
  2. pyconceptlibraryclient - a Python API client for the Concept Library

5.2. API

If you would like to interface with the API without the aid of our client packages we have documented our API using Swagger. The Swagger documentation is available here.

Please refer to our reference data, which can be found here, for fields that described by their identifier.