Library for creating feedback-based motion descriptions for robots.
- Install boost (>= 1.54.0) e.g. libboost-dev
- Install Eigen (>= ?) e.g. libeigen3-dev
- Install tinyxml (for Hybrid Automaton) e.g. libtinyxml2-dev
- Install doxygen
- Install graphviz
- Install log4cpp and compile into static library (on windows you will need Multi-threaded (Debug) Dll setting) e.g liblog4cpp5-dev
Build gmock and gtest
cd $(GMOCK_ROOT)/gmock-1.7.0 mkdir build && cd build cmake .. #use cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG for a configuring a debug build make make install
Build hybrid_automaton
cd $(hybrid_automaton_library_ROOT) mkdir build && cd build cmake .. #-DUNIT_TESTS=ON for compiling the unit tests make make doc sudo make install # sudo because it's copied to /usr/local/lib
- Set $BOOST_DIR as environmental variable to the installation directory (s.t. boost/xxx.hpp will include headers)
- Set $EIGEN_DIR as environmental variable to the installation directory (s.t. Eigen/xxx.hpp will include headers)
- Set $LOG4CPP_INCLUDE_DIR and $LOG4CPP_LIB_DIR as environmental variables to the installation directory if you want to use log4cpp for logging
- Build gmock and gtest
- Build hybrid_automaton
- Go to $(hybrid_automaton_library_ROOT)/
- Create a folder "build" (or whatever you want)
- Open CMake GUI in Admin mode
- Where is the source code: $(hybrid_automaton_library_ROOT)/
- Where to build the binaries: $(hybrid_automaton_library_ROOT)/build
- Click Configure (select Visual Studio 9 2008 - Native compilers)
- If you want to generate the unit tests look for the entry "UNIT_TESTS" and activate it. Then press "Confgure" again
- Click Generate
- Open VS 2008 admin mode, open solution $(hybrid_automaton_library_ROOT)/build/hybrid_automaton.sln
- Build