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Keycloak Kafka Module

Simple module for Keycloak to produce keycloak events to Kafka.

Tested with

Kafka version: 2.12-2.1.x, 2.12-2.4.x, 2.12-2.5.x, 2.13-2.8, 2.13-3.3.x

Keycloak version: 19.0.x, 21.0.x

Java version: 17

Check out this older version to run the module on a Wildfly server


You can simply use Maven to build the jar file. Thanks to the assembly plugin the build process will create a fat jar that includes all dependencies and makes the deployment quite easy. Just use the following command to build the jar file.

mvn clean package


First you need to build or download the keycloak-kafka module.

To install the module to your keycloak server you have to configure the module and deploy it. If you deploy the module without configuration, your keycloak server will fail to start throwing a NullPointerException.

If you want to install the module manually as described in the initial version you can follow this guide.

Module Configuration

The following properties can be set via environment variables (e.g. ${KAFKA_TOPIC}) or as parameters when starting keycloak (e.g. --spi-events-listener-kafka-topic-events).

  • topicEvents (env KAFKA_TOPIC): The name of the kafka topic to where the events will be produced to.

  • clientId (env KAFKA_CLIENT_ID): The used to identify the client in kafka.

  • bootstrapServers (env KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS): A comma separated list of available brokers.

  • events (env KAFKA_EVENTS): The events that will be send to kafka.

  • topicAdminEvents (env KAFKA_ADMIN_TOPIC): (Optional) The name of the kafka topic to where the admin events will be produced to. No events will be produced when this property isn't set.

A list of available events can be found here

Kafka client configuration

It's also possible to configure the kafka client with environment variables or by adding parameters to the keycloak start command. This makes it possible to connect this module to a kafka broker that requires SSL/TLS connections. For example to change the timeout of how long the producer will block the thread to 10 seconds you just have to pass the following parameter to the start command.

./ start --spi-events-listener-kafka-max-block-ms 10000

Or set the following environnment variable.


A full list of available configurations can be found in the official kafka docs.

Because some environments have difficulties with empty string variables, a workaround for SSL_ENDPOINT_IDENTIFICATION_ALGORITHM was implemented. To disable the host name verification set the value to disabled. The module will transfer the value to an empty string when creating the kafka client.

Kafka client using secure connection

As mentioned above the kafka client can be configured by passing parameters to the start command. To make kafka open a SSL/TLS secured connection you can add the following parameters:

./ start \
  --spi-events-listener-kafka-security-protocol SSL \
  --spi-events-listener-kafka-ssl-truststore-location kafka.client.truststore.jks \
  --spi-events-listener-kafka-ssl-truststore-password test1234

Module Deployment

Copy the keycloak-kafka-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar into the $KEYCLOAK_HOME/providers folder. Keycloak will automatically install the module with all it's dependencies on start up.

Keycloak Configuration

Enable Events in keycloak

  1. Open administration console
  2. Choose realm
  3. Go to Events
  4. Open Config tab and add kafka to Event Listeners.

Admin console config

Docker Container

The simplest way to enable the kafka module in a docker container is to create a custom docker image from the keycloak base image. A simple example can be found in the Dockerfile. When you build this image on your local machine by using docker build . -t keycloak-kafka, you can test everything by running the docker-compose file on your local machine. This just provides a simple example to show how it's working. Please consider to read this documentation and create your own Dockerfile.

Sample Client

The following snippet shows a minimal Spring Boot Kafka client to consume keycloak events. Additional properties can be added to the KeycloakEvent class.

public class KafkaConsumerApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

	@KafkaListener(topics = "keycloak-events", groupId = "event-consumer")
	public void handleKeycloakEvent(KeycloakEvent event) {"Consumed event: " + event);

	@KafkaListener(topics = "keycloak-admin-events", groupId = "event-consumer")
	public void handleKeycloakAdminEvent(KeycloakAdminEvent event) {"Consumed admin event: " + event);

	public StringJsonMessageConverter jsonConverter() {
		return new StringJsonMessageConverter();

class KeycloakEvent {
	private String userId;
	private String type;

class KeycloakAdminEvent {
	private String realmId;
	private String operationType;


Any kind of contributions are welcome.