The SmoQySuite GitHub organization hosts a suite of software packages implementing various numerical methods based on many-body techniques to support research efforts studying strongly-correlated quantum materials.
- SmoQyDQMC.jl: Perform determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) simulations of models supporting local Hubbard and flexibly parameterized electron-phonon interactions.
- SmoQyDEAC.jl: This package uses the Differential Evolution for Analytic Continuation (DEAC) method to analytically continue imaginary time and Matsubara frequency correlation functions generated by quantum Monte Carlo simulations.
- JDQMCFramework.jl: Implements the core computation kernel required to write a DQMC code with a computational cost that scales linearly with the inverse temperature.
- JDQMCMeasurements.jl: Exports functions to measure various correlation functions for arbitrary lattice geometries in a DQMC simulation.
- LatticeUtilities.jl: Lightweight package for representing arbitrary periodic lattice geometries.
- StableLinearAlgebra.jl: Export types and optimized routines for performing various numerically stable linear algebra operations. The algorithms implemented in this package are necessary to ensure that DQMC and other similar types of quantum Monte Carlo algorithms remain numerically stable at low temperatures.
- Checkerboard.jl: Implements the checkerboard approximation, whereby the exponentiated electron kinetic energy matrix associated with a tight-binding model is represented by a sparse matrix.
- SmoQyHankelCorrCleaner.jl: Implements methods for denoising imaginary time correlation data using the Hankel projection method introduced in the paper arXiv:2403.12349.
- SmoQySynthAC.jl: Package for generating noisy synthetic imaginary time correlation function data meant to resemble what might be produced by quantum Monte Carlo calculations (QMC). The synthetic data can then be used to benchmark analytic continuation methods and other types of many-body algorithms that rely on using data generated by QMC simulations.
- Prof. Steve Johnston @ [email protected]
- Dr. Benjamin Cohen-Stead @ [email protected]