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Pal is a modular command-line interface with AI function calling. Pal at its core provides a few in-built plugins, but it can easily be extended. Pal is a personal exploration project.



Due to the halo library on PyPi being outdated it is not installed. Please make sure to install my fork of the library.

pip3 install git+


pip3 install -U sofapal


# clone repository
pip3 install -U git+
# create a virtual environment in the .venv directory
python3 -m venv .venv
# set up the current shell to use that virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate


Pal uses OpenFunctions-v2 for its AI functionality. For optimal performance, it is recommended to have at least 16 GB of RAM. For instructions on setting up this feature, see below.

  1. Install ollama
  2. Download the AI model file from huggingface, I recommend gorilla-openfunctions-v2-q4_K_M.gguf
  3. Download the Modelfile and modify it by changing path_to_model_file to the file you downloaded in step 2
  4. Open a terminal in the same location as the Modelfile and run the following command:
ollama create -f Modelfile pal
  1. Add the AI configurations by creating .pal/ai.json with the following content:
  "model": "pal:latest",
  "host": "http://localhost:11434",
  "trust_mode": false

Enabling trust mode with true will automatically select all commands to be run.



Pal loads configs and plugins from the .pal folder located in $HOME. Example configs can be found in .pal. Therefore, when creating configurations/plugins, make sure they are in that folder. When a command's configuration is missing, Pal will assist you in adding it.

Inbuilt plugins


Pal enables for quick project creation using user-created templates. Templates are written in shell and are provided one argument.

Pal runs templates like this: bash {name}.

Here is an example of a template to create a sveltekit project.

npm create svelte@latest $1
cd $1
npm install

This file is stored in the templates folder. In the example $1 is used to access the name of the project provided by pal.

It's recommended that the file name is in this format: This will make it easier to search for this template with pal.

usage: pal create [-h] [-n NAME] [-e {zed,code}]

Create project using a template

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Name of the project
  -e {zed,code}, --editor {zed,code}
                        Code editor to open project with


Pal lets you quickly query text with any search engine.

Pal opens searches in your default browser.

To use browse you will need to configure browse.json in your configs. The structure is as follows.

  "engines": [
      "name": "duckduckgo",
      "url": ""
  "default": {
    "name": "duckduckgo",
    "url": ""

Pal requires a default engine to be set. Any other engines added can be accessed by providing the -e/--engine option. The url for an engine needs to include %s as this will be replaced with the search query.

usage: pal browse [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-e] [query]

Open queries in your browser

positional arguments:
  query                 Query to browse using default engine

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                        Search query to browse using default engine
  -e, --engine          When provided, displays search engine selector


Pal can display information on the weather. Pal needs an weatherapi api key to do so.

Setup for weather is easy and can be done with the following.

pal weather

Running with the command with no configs for the first time will start the interactive configuration process. For more information on manual setup, see the examples.

usage: pal weather [-h] [-s] [-l LOCATION] [-w]

Weather information

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --search          Search location to get information from
  -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                        Location to get information from
  -w, --window          Disables displaying weather information via a window