support multi-queue I/O scheduler for block devices
(bsc#1152598) -
if a parameter is not supported by the system, the note action 'verify' will no longer report this as an error even if the value is not compliant.
Additionally if there is a non compliant 'grub' parameter, which has a compliant 'alternative' setting availabel (see man page saptune-note(5) for details), the note action 'verify' will no longer report this as an error
(bsc#1159671) -
add action 'delete' to the 'note' operation to delete a customer or vendor specific Note definition file including the corresponding override file if available.
A confirmation is needed to finish the action.add action 'rename' to the 'note' operation to rename a customer or vendor specific Note definition file to a new name. If a corresponding override file is available, this file will be renamed too.
A confirmation is needed to finish the action.If the Note is already applied, the action will be terminated with the information, that the Note first needs to be reverted before it can be deleted or renamed.
(jsc#SLE-9283) -
check, if sapconf service is available before disabling this service during 'saptune daemon start'
(bsc#1156049) -
Inform the customer that - by intention - the command
'saptune note customise '
does not apply changes immediately. It just changes the configuration in the 'override' file. These changes have to be applied in a second step.
This is explained in the man page saptune_v2(8) and a message is printed in the logs and on the screen to inform the customer.
(bsc#1142467) -
Add warning to man page, not to rename/remove/modify active configurations
(bsc#1149002) -
check, if the directory /etc/security/limits.d exists before writing the limits drop-in file. If not, create it.
add the '--no-pager' option to 'systemctl --list-unit-files' to get all services at once.
add missing search pattern to the update helper script to find all old and superfluous notes during upgrade from SLE12 to SLE15
For the daemon operations do not exit with an error, if a note definition file does not exist. Instead only log and print an error message, but continue with applying the other notes