Collection of code, notebooks and documentation for the SInCohMap project
You can run the notebooks locally (please note: the Anaconda Python enviornment has been tested on Linux Ubuntu 18.04, on Windows it might not work due to different library versions):
- Install Anaconda to manage virtual environments. You can follow the instructions here
- Clone the repository and get into the repo folder:
git clone
cd SInCohMap
- Create a new conda environment with the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Once the process is complete, you can activate the environment:
conda activate sincohmap
- Now you can start the Jupyter Notebook Server and use the notebooks, just typing:
jupyter notebook
- This should open up a new window in your default web browser, where you can select the notebook you prefer.
If there is already a Jupyter instance (i.e. the JupyterHub offered by Eurac Research), you can add the kernel from the newly created conda environment without running another one. The necessary additional steps are:
$ conda activate sincohmap
(sincohmap)$ conda install ipykernel
(sincohmap)$ ipython kernel install --user --name=sincohmap
(sincohmap)$ conda deactivate
Source: stackoverflow
Please note: if your console does not recognize the conda
command, you need to initialize it before running the previous commands, using:
$ conda init bash
Now the new kernel should be available in your Jupyter Lab. To use the new kernel: